FlowOutput (P.1)
Institutional sectorCorporations (S.11+S.12)General government (S.13)Households (S.14)Non profit institutions serving households (S.15)Total economy (S.1)
TotalNPI's (corporations)Other corporationsTotalNPI'sOther
Branch of industry
Hide subtree Total737 737.133 863703 874.182 695.286 0425 164.8911 639.139 027.8872 611.3
TotalAgriculture and industry (A-F)327 733.1620.9327 112.21 53812 951.40342 222.5620.9341 601.6
Hide subtree Services (G-N)351 123.64 241.3346 882.311 08766 941.20429 151.84 241.3424 910.5
Services (G-N) Wholesale and retail trade (G)89 999.73089 969.703 383.7093 383.43093 353.4
Accomodation and food service activities (I)14 889.3209.314 68003 341.1018 230.4209.318 021.1
Scientific research and development (M, 72)3 228.1689.52 538.605.703 233.8689.52 544.3
Employment activities (N, 78)9 128.5390.38 738.2019.809 148.3390.38 758
Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities (N, 79)3 099.7115.92 983.804203 141.7115.93 025.8
Office administrative, office support and other business support activities (N, 82)6 616.81 313.25 303.60221.206 8381 313.25 524.8
Other service activities (H, J to N except 72, 78, 79 and 82)224 161.51 493.2222 668.311 08759 927.70295 176.21 493.2293 683
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (O)00040 360.50040 360.5040 360.5
Education (P)1 589.95391 050.929 709.7132.942231 854.596130 893.5
Hide subtree Human health and social work activities (Q)44 942.723 753.521 189.202 843.62 353.550 139.826 10724 032.8
Human health and social work activities (Q) Human health activities (Q, 86)33 984.315 871.918 112.402 604.5036 588.815 871.920 716.9
Hide subtree  Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88)10 958.47 881.73 076.70239.12 353.513 55110 235.23 315.8
Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88) Residential care activities (Q, 87)8 880.26 3402 540.2019.7627.79 527.66 967.72 559.9
Social work activities without accomodation (Q, 88)2 078.21 541.7536.50219.41 725.84 023.43 267.5755.9
Hide subtree Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)5 779.3906.64 872.70553.7463.86 796.81 370.45 426.4
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R) Arts and cultural activities (R, 90 and 91)1 962.5474.31 488.20316390.92 669.4865.21 804.2
Sports activities, amusement and recreation activities (R, 92 and 93)3 816.8432.43 384.40237.772.94 127.4505.33 622.1
Hide subtree Other service activities (S-T)6 568.53 801.62 766.902 619.21 925.511 113.25 727.15 386.1
Other service activities (S-T)Other service activities (S) Activities of membership organisations (S, 94)4 255.63 765.2490.4018.61 925.56 199.75 690.7509
Services to individuals (S to T, 95 to 97)2 312.936.42 276.502 600.604 913.536.44 877.1
Data extracted on 03 Dec 2024 20:18 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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