Institutional sector
Production account (I)Hide subtree  Resources88 452.690 561.495 016.6104 387.5
(P112 502.7
ResourcesHide subtree Output (P.1)88 452.690 561.495 016.6104 387.5
(P112 502.7
Output (P.1)Market output (P.11)3 223.83 145.43 432.93 552.4
(P3 661.5
Output for own final use (P.12)3 460.63 676.43 893.54 152.6
(P4 335.3
Hide subtree Other non-market output (P.13)81 768.283 739.687 690.296 682.5
(P104 505.9
Other non-market output (P.13) Payments for the other non-market output (P.131)8 241.57 5587 919.89 375
(P10 077
Other non-market output, other (P.132)73 526.776 181.679 770.487 307.5
(P94 428.9
Hide subtree  Uses88 452.690 561.495 016.6104 387.5
(P112 502.7
UsesIntermediate consumption (P.2)19 678.519 903.321 35423 736.2
(P25 158.2
Hide subtree Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)68 774.170 658.173 662.680 651.3
(P87 344.5
Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Consumption of fixed capital (P.51C)10 824.110 950.411 68513 147.5
(P14 177.1
Added value (net) / Net domestic product (B.1n)57 95059 707.761 977.667 503.8
(P73 167.4
Distribution and use of income accounts (II) Primary distribution of income accounts (II.1)Generation of income account (II.1.1)Hide subtree Resources57 95059 707.761 977.667 503.8
(P73 167.4
ResourcesAdded value (net) / Net domestic product (B.1n)57 95059 707.761 977.667 503.8
(P73 167.4
Hide subtree Uses57 95059 707.761 977.667 503.8
(P73 167.4
UsesHide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)58 763.560 570.162 811.868 131.1
(P73 723.4
Compensation of employees (D.1)Wages and salaries (D.11)39 554.540 755.642 392.646 125.1
(P49 957.9
Hide subtree Employers' social contributions (D.12)19 20919 814.520 419.222 006
(P23 765.5
Employers' social contributions (D.12)Hide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)8 821.19 088.99 419.710 008.1
(P10 808.8
Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)To the government8 556.68 823.69 158.39 741.5
(P10 532.9
To the other sectors264.5265.3261.4266.6
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.122)10 387.910 725.610 999.511 997.9
(P12 956.7
Other taxes on production (D.29)0000
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-866.8-925.7-917-740.7
Operating surplus (B.2n)53.363.382.8113.4
Allocation of primary income account (II.1.2)Hide subtree Resources49 769.339 712.448 529.951 851.8
(P57 411
ResourcesOperating surplus (B.2n)53.363.382.8113.4
Hide subtree Taxes on production and imports (D.2)63 65459 326.966 882.168 947.1
(P73 354.8
Taxes on production and imports (D.2)Hide subtree Taxes on products (D.21)53 237.649 159.156 526.757 312.3
(P59 088.2
Taxes on products (D.21)Value-added-type taxes (VAT) (D.211)32 181.329 537.834 713.136 442.1
(P37 828.1
Hide subtree Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT (D.212)1 056.91 087.31 079.61 417.2
(P1 394.2
Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT (D.212)Import duties (D.2121)0000
Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties (D.2122)1 056.91 087.31 079.61 417.2
(P1 394.2
Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes (D.214)19 999.418 53420 73419 453
(P19 865.9
Other taxes on production (D.29)10 416.410 167.810 355.411 634.8
(P14 266.6
Hide subtree Subsidies (D.3)-18 112.5-22 983.5-22 158.1-21 463.1
(P-21 954.2
Subsidies (D.3)Hide subtree Subsidies on products (D.31)-4 463.2-4 801.2-4 420-4 160.3
(P-3 724.9
Subsidies on products (D.31)Import subsidies (D.311)0000
Other subsidies on products (D.319)-4 463.2-4 801.2-4 420-4 160.3
(P-3 724.9
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-13 649.3-18 182.3-17 738.1-17 302.8
(P-18 229.3
Hide subtree Property income (D.4)4 174.53 305.73 723.14 254.4
(P5 896.1
Property income (D.4)Hide subtree Interest (D.41)1 5101 423.81 465.61 743.7
(P3 335.5
Interest (D.41)Hide subtree  From the general government286.8225.4215.1223.6
From the general government From the central government (federal government)282.1223.4214.3223.2
From the state government (communities and districts)4.720.80.4
From the local government0000
From the social insurance business 0000
From the other sectors1 223.21 198.41 250.51 520.1
(P2 986.8
p.m. Actual interest from the other sectors1 307.51 286.61 358.81 358
(P2 536.3
Hide subtree Distributed income of corporations (D.42)2 1951 402.51 772.51 948.8
(P1 930.1
Distributed income of corporations (D.42)Dividends (D.421)2 173.41 3861 754.91 940.2
(P1 874.8
Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations (D.422)21.616.517.68.6
Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment (D.43)0000
Hide subtree Other investment income (D.44)13.311.211.412.4
Other investment income (D.44)Investment income attributable to insurance policy holders (D.441)13.311.211.412.4
Investment income payable on pension entitlements (D.442)0000
Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (D.443)0000
Rents (D.45)456.2468.2473.6549.5
Hide subtree Uses49 769.339 712.448 529.951 851.8
(P57 411
UsesHide subtree Property income (D.4)9 916.29 353.48 797.69 069.6
(P12 275.8
Property income (D.4)Hide subtree Interest (D.41)9 914.79 3528 796.69 068.9
(P12 275.1
Interest (D.41)Hide subtree  To the general government286.8225.4215.1223.6
To the general government To the central government (federal government)0.4000
To the state government (communities and districts)
To the local government10.20.10.1
To the social insurance business 280.8224.4213.8220.5
To the other sectors9 627.99 126.68 581.58 845.3
(P11 926.4
p.m. Actual interest to the other sectors10 569.410 121.99 567.69 274
(P11 776.6
Hide subtree Distributed income of corporations (D.42)0000
Distributed income of corporations (D.42)Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations (D.422)0000
Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment (D.43)0000
Hide subtree Other investment income (D.44)1.51.410.7
Other investment income (D.44)Investment income attributable to insurance policy holders (D.441)0000
Investment income payable on pension entitlements (D.442)1.51.410.7
Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (D.443)0000
Rents (D.45)0000
Balance of primary incomes / National income (B.5n)39 853.130 35939 732.342 782.2
(P45 135.2
Secondary distribution of income account (II.2)Hide subtree Resources295 642.9295 456.2319 555.5344 795.8
(P372 839.5
ResourcesBalance of primary incomes / National income (B.5n)39 853.130 35939 732.342 782.2
(P45 135.2
Hide subtree Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)74 927.572 221.879 492.491 317.6
(P96 430
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)Hide subtree Taxes on income (D.51)72 77370 277.377 127.788 851.4
(P93 878.6
Taxes on income (D.51)From the general government54.144.445.554
Hide subtree From the other sectors72 718.970 232.977 082.288 797.4
(P93 796.9
From the other sectors From the non-financial and financial corporations17 727.915 001.219 02021 679.1
(P23 241.9
From the households53 857.754 002.756 806.465 872.7
(P69 325.1
From the non-profit institutions serving households0000
From the rest of the world (ROW)1 133.31 2291 255.81 245.6
(P1 229.9
Hide subtree Other current taxes (D.59)2 154.51 944.52 364.72 466.2
(P2 551.4
Other current taxes (D.59)From the general government0000
Hide subtree From the other sectors2 154.51 944.52 364.72 466.2
(P2 551.4
From the other sectors From the non-financial and financial corporations305.1297.3447.5479.2
From the households1 802.21 597.21 866.51 933
(P2 005.2
From the non-profit institutions serving households47.25050.754
From the rest of the world (ROW)0000
Hide subtree Net social contributions (D.61)73 674.373 100.776 662.683 589.6
(P90 093
Net social contributions (D.61)Hide subtree P.m. Actual social contributions63 286.462 375.165 663.171 591.7
(P77 136.3
P.m. Actual social contributionsHide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)37 902.137 351.639 411.743 137.1
(P45 983.9
Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)Hide subtree Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.6111C)37 902.137 351.639 411.743 137.1
(P45 983.9
Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.6111C)To the account of the general government8 556.78 823.59 158.29 741.4
(P10 532.8
To the account of the other sectors29 345.428 528.130 253.533 395.7
(P35 451.1
Hide subtree Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.6111V)0000
Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.6111V)To the account of the general government0000
To the account of the other sectors0000
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)10 387.910 725.610 999.511 997.9
(P12 956.7
Hide subtree Households' actual social contributions (D.613)25 382.925 022.226 250.528 454
(P31 151.8
Households' actual social contributions (D.613)Hide subtree Employees' actual social contributions19 080.818 851.619 857.521 651.3
(P23 715
Employees' actual social contributionsCompulsory employees' actual social contributions (D.613CE)19 070.618 837.419 84121 645.4
(P23 713.7
Voluntary employees' actual social contributions (D.613VE)
Hide subtree Self-employed persons' actual social contributions4 327.14 087.84 433.24 596.3
(P5 047.2
Self-employed persons' actual social contributionsCompulsory self-employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613CS)4 327.14 087.84 433.24 596.3
(P5 047.2
Voluntary self-employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613VS)0000
Hide subtree Non employed persons' actual social contributions1 9752 082.81 959.82 206.4
(P2 389.6
Non employed persons' actual social contributionsCompulsory non employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613CN)1 902.92 016.31 894.52 141.2
(P2 317.1
Voluntary non employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613VN)72.166.565.265.2
Households' social contributions supplements (D.614)1.51.410.7
Social insurance scheme service charge (D.61SC)-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.1
Hide subtree Other current transfers (D.7)107 188119 774.7123 668.2127 106.4
(P141 181.3
Other current transfers (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)0000
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)130.3117.6112.7127.4
Hide subtree Current transfers within general government (D.73)103 904.8116 593.1120 040.9122 833.1
(P136 722.9
Current transfers within general government (D.73)Hide subtree Current transfers of fiscal receipts48 017.346 584.353 207.156 059.5
(P63 128.8
Current transfers of fiscal receipts From the central government (federal government)48 017.346 584.353 207.156 059.5
(P63 128.8
From the state government (communities and districts)0000
From the local government0000
From the social security business 0000
Hide subtree Other current transfers between sub-sectors of the general government55 887.570 008.866 833.866 773.6
(P73 594.1
Other current transfers between sub-sectors of the general government From the central government (federal government)34 445.847 520.643 236.341 332.3
(P46 221.5
From the state government (communities and districts)10 717.311 566.412 246.113 184.6
(P14 176.6
From the local government275.9336371.5308.5
From the social security business 10 448.510 585.810 979.911 948.2
(P12 865.3
Hide subtree Current international cooperation (D.74)614.8620760.41 000.3
(P1 032.8
Current international cooperation (D.74)From the Member States of the European Union121.3123.962.487
From the institutions of the European Union482.3489.5683.7898.7
From third countries and international organisations11.26.614.314.6
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)2 538.12 4442 754.23 145.6
(P3 306.2
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)Hide subtree From the general government0000
From the general government From the central government (federal government)0000
From the state government (communities and districts)0000
From the local government0000
From the social security business 0000
Hide subtree From the other sectors2 538.12 4442 754.23 145.6
(P3 306.2
From the other sectors From non-financial corporations678.8679.6719.3835.2
From financial corporations6-
From the households1 539.11 750.22 016.72 295.3
(P2 433.5
From the non-profit institutions serving households0.90.20.91
Hide subtree  From the rest of the world (ROW)313.314.714.112.5
From the rest of the world (ROW)From the Member States of the European Union17.615.413.812
From the institutions of the European Union0000
From third countries and international organisations295.7-
Hide subtree Uses295 642.9295 456.2319 555.5344 795.8
(P372 839.5
UsesHide subtree Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)5444.445.654.1
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)Taxes on income (D.51)5444.445.654.1
Other current taxes (D.59)0000
Hide subtree Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)80 059.391 544.190 568.494 935.5
(P102 650.1
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)Social security benefits in cash (D.621)56 209.858 719.760 767.966 361.6
(P72 528
Hide subtree Other social insurance benefits (D.622)10 408.210 747.211 01912 019.4
(P12 979.5
Other social insurance benefits (D.622)Other social insurance benefits of pension funds1.
Unfunded employee social benefits10 406.610 744.411 017.612 016.6
(P12 976.3
Social assistance benefits in cash (D.623)13 441.322 077.218 781.516 554.5
(P17 142.6
Hide subtree Other current transfers (D.7)113 112.9130 065.2132 714.6135 486.3
(P149 222.3
Other current transfers (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)126.1123.1125.6121.1
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)0000
Hide subtree Current transfers within general government (D.73)103 904.8116 593.1120 040.9122 833.1
(P136 723.1
Current transfers within general government (D.73)Hide subtree Current transfers of fiscal receipts48 017.346 584.353 207.156 059.5
(P63 128.8
Current transfers of fiscal receiptsTo the central government (federal government)0000
To the state government (communities and districts)32 013.529 549.233 044.236 365.9
(P40 147.2
To the local government156.7158.8158.8178.9
To the social security business 15 847.116 876.320 004.119 514.7
(P22 792.2
Hide subtree Other current transfers between sub-sectors of the general government55 887.570 008.866 833.866 773.6
(P73 594.3
Other current transfers between sub-sectors of the general government To the central government (federal government)3 059.13 001.93 254.93 490.5
(P3 626.5
To the state government (communities and districts)20 086.119 861.121 264.622 869.3
(P25 275
To the local government14 853.716 159.716 812.418 206.1
(P19 844.8
To the social security business 17 888.630 986.125 501.922 207.7
(P24 848
Hide subtree Current international cooperation (D.74)1 040.31 1231 226.61 332
(P1 405.1
Current international cooperation (D.74)To the Member States of the European Union53.78066.962.1
To the institutions of the European Union174.2161.2147.3135.5
To third countries and international organisations812.4881.81 012.41 134.4
(P1 281.7
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)4 176.17 567.86 030.46 459.5
(P6 563.4
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)Hide subtree To the general government0000
To the general government To the central government (federal government)0000
To the state government (communities and districts)0000
To the local government0000
To the social security business 0000
Hide subtree To the other sectors4 176.17 567.86 030.46 459.5
(P6 563.4
To the other sectors To non-financial corporations191 697983.1202.7
To financial corporations0000
To the households1 007.52 402.61 500.82 578.1
(P2 640.3
To the non-profit institutions serving households2 807.33 089.13 1473 282.9
(P3 492.2
Hide subtree  To the rest of the world (ROW)342.3379.1399.5395.8
To the rest of the world (ROW)To the Member States of the European Union0.
To the institutions of the European Union0000
To third countries and international organisations341.4378.3398.2394.1
Hide subtree VAT- and GNI-based EU own resources (D.76)3 865.64 658.25 291.14 740.6
(P4 401.2
VAT- and GNI-based EU own resources (D.76)VAT-based third EU own resource596.9569.3590.4680.4
GNI-based fourth EU own resource2 994.93 739.94 298.53 912.8
(P3 638.3
UK rebate273.834900
Miscellaneous non-tax contributions of the government to the institutions of the EU00402.2147.5
Disposable income (B.6n)102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
Redistribution of income in kind account (II.3)Hide subtree Resources102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
ResourcesDisposable income (B.6n)102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
Hide subtree Uses102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
UsesHide subtree Social transfers in kind (D.63)71 429.272 399.878 399.485 541.2
(P91 162.2
Social transfers in kind (D.63)Social transfers in kind - non-market production (D.631)34 893.336 182.537 918.641 392.4
(P44 386.3
Social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.632)36 535.936 217.340 480.844 148.8
(P46 775.9
Adjusted disposable income (B.7n)30 987.51 402.717 827.528 778.7
(P29 723.3
Use of income account (II.4)Use of disposable income account (II.4.1)Hide subtree Resources102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
ResourcesDisposable income (B.6n)102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
Hide subtree Uses102 416.773 802.596 226.9114 319.9
(P120 885.5
UsesHide subtree Final consumption expenditure (P.3)110 062.6112 398.9120 251.2131 456.3
(P141 204.9
Final consumption expenditure (P.3)Individual consumption expenditure (P.31)71 429.272 399.878 399.485 541.2
(P91 162.2
Collective consumption expenditure (P.32)38 633.439 999.141 851.845 915.1
(P50 042.7
Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)-0.2-1.4-0.5-2.2
Saving (B.8n)-7 645.7-38 595-24 023.8-17 134.2
(P-20 316.9
Use of adjusted disposable income account (II.4.2)Hide subtree Resources30 987.51 402.717 827.528 778.7
(P29 723.3
ResourcesAdjusted disposable income (B.7n)30 987.51 402.717 827.528 778.7
(P29 723.3
Hide subtree Uses30 987.51 402.717 827.528 778.7
(P29 723.3
UsesHide subtree Actual final consumption (P.4)38 633.439 999.141 851.845 915.1
(P50 042.7
Actual final consumption (P.4)Actual collective consumption (P.42)38 633.439 999.141 851.845 915.1
(P50 042.7
Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)-0.2-1.4-0.5-2.2
Saving (B.8n)-7 645.7-38 595-24 023.8-17 134.2
(P-20 316.9
Accumulation accounts (III) Capital account (III.1)Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accounts (III.1.1)Hide subtree Changes in liabilities and net worth-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Changes in liabilities and net worthSaving (net) (B.8n)-7 645.7-38 595-24 023.8-17 134.2
(P-20 316.9
Hide subtree Capital transfers, received (D.9R)3 874.33 711.55 203.45 125.6
(P5 397.9
Capital transfers, received (D.9R)Hide subtree Capital taxes (D.91R)3 391.13 287.64 0793 902.4
(P3 958.8
Capital taxes (D.91R)From the households3 391.13 287.64 0793 902.4
(P3 958.8
From the other sectors0000
Hide subtree Investment grants (D.92R)871.2814.11 204.11 681.7
(P1 968.4
Investment grants (D.92R)Hide subtree From the general government779.9737.7860.71 046.3
(P1 381
From the general government From the central government (federal government)
From the state government (communities and districts)678.7656.5780.9926.7
(P1 253.2
From the local government0000
From the social insurance business 0000
Hide subtree From the rest of the world91.376.4343.4635.4
From the rest of the worldFrom the Member States of the European Union0000
From the institutions of the European Union91.376.4343.4635.4
From third countries and international organisations0000
Hide subtree Other capital transfers (D.99R)-388-390.2-79.7-458.5
Other capital transfers (D.99R)Hide subtree From the general government13.612.921.118.6
From the general government From the central government (federal government)0000
From the state government (communities and districts)
From the local government11.412.318.414.5
From the social insurance business 0000
Hide subtree From the other sectors-401.6-403.1-100.8-477.1
From the other sectors From non-financial corporations-474.5-466.1-386.4-775.1
From financial corporations001930
From the households65.760.763.7278.3
From the non-profit institutions serving households0000
Hide subtree  From the rest of the world (ROW)7.22.328.919.7
From the rest of the world (ROW)From the Member States of the European Union0000
From the institutions of the European Union3.4020.115.3
From third countries and international organisations3.
Hide subtree Capital transfers to pay (-) (D.9P)-4 108.5-5 027-5 986.8-5 672.2
(P-6 842.6
Capital transfers to pay (-) (D.9P)Capital taxes (-) (D.91P)0000
Hide subtree Investment grants (-) (D.92P)-3 607.2-3 852.4-4 331.9-4 541.4
(P-5 782.3
Investment grants (-) (D.92P)Hide subtree To the general government-779.9-737.7-860.7-1 046.3
(P-1 381
To the general government To the central government (federal government)-0.40-0.2-10.4
To the state government (communities and districts)-73.6-59.5-61-67.9
To the local government-705.9-678.2-799.5-931.5
(P-1 268
To the social security business 000-36.5
Hide subtree To the other sectors-2 827.3-3 114.7-3 471.2-3 495.1
(P-4 401.3
To the other sectors To non-financial corporations-1 885.4-2 126.3-2 480.6-2 324.5
(P-2 923.8
To financial corporations0000
To the households-479.6-511.8-582.8-654.5
To the non-profit institutions serving households-203.1-210.4-208.6-272.8
Hide subtree  To the rest of the world (ROW)-259.2-266.2-199.2-243.3
To the rest of the world (ROW)To the Member States of the European Union-121.1-121.2-44.4-80.6
To the institutions of the European Union-0.7-0.7-0.9-0.4
To third countries and international organisations-137.4-144.3-153.9-162.3
Hide subtree Other capital transfers (-) (D.99P)-501.3-1 174.6-1 654.9-1 130.8
(P-1 060.3
Other capital transfers (-) (D.99P)Hide subtree To the general government-13.6-12.9-21.1-18.6
To the general government To the central government (federal government)-2.2-0.6-2.7-4.1
To the state government (communities and districts)-11.4-12.3-18.4-14.5
To the local government0000
To the social security business 0000
Hide subtree To the other sectors-487.7-1 161.7-1 633.8-1 112.2
(P-1 039.6
To the other sectors To non-financial corporations-307.2-299.2-625.3-410
To financial corporations-80.6-45.3-97.9-187.7
To the households-83.7-271.6-826-68.3
To the non-profit institutions serving households00-0.1-0.2
Hide subtree  To the rest of the world (ROW)-16.2-545.6-84.5-446
To the rest of the world (ROW)To the Member States of the European Union-30-42.3-0.2
To the institutions of the European Union-10.6-10.6-10-10
To third countries and international organisations-2.6-535-32.2-435.8
Hide subtree Changes in assets-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Changes in assetsChanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Acquisitions of non-financial assets account (III.1.2)Hide subtree Changes in liabilities and net worth-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Changes in liabilities and net worthChanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Hide subtree Changes in assets-7 879.9-39 910.5-24 807.2-17 680.8
(P-21 761.6
Changes in assetsHide subtree Gross capital formation (P.5)12 649.512 768.914 009.215 582.7
(P17 081.7
Gross capital formation (P.5)Hide subtree Gross fixed capital formation (P.51)12 637.712 755.113 992.315 213.2
(P16 955.7
Gross fixed capital formation (P.51)Hide subtree Acquisitions less disposals of tangible fixed assets (P.511)9 407.19 369.610 347.611 280.3
(P12 885.3
Acquisitions less disposals of tangible fixed assets (P.511)Acquisitions of new tangible fixed assets (P.5111)9 871.89 757.110 709.311 970.5
(P13 310.5
Acquisitions of existing tangible fixed assets (P.5112)5.86327.30.4
Disposals of existing tangible fixed assets (P.5113)-470.5-393.5-689-690.6
Hide subtree Acquisitions less disposals of intangible fixed assets (P.512)3 230.63 385.53 644.73 932.9
(P4 070.4
Acquisitions less disposals of intangible fixed assets (P.512)Acquisitions of new intangible fixed assets (P.5121)3 230.63 385.53 644.73 932.9
(P4 070.4
Acquisitions of existing intangible fixed assets (P.5122)0000
Disposals of existing intangible fixed assets (P.5123)0000
Hide subtree Addition to the value of non-produced non-financial assets (P.513)000
Addition to the value of non-produced non-financial assets (P.513)Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced non-financial assets (P.5131)0000
Major improvements to non-produced non-financial assets (P.5132)000
Consumption of fixed capital (P.51C)-10 824.1-10 950.4-11 685-13 147.5
(P-14 177.1
Changes in inventories (P.52)6.410.69.1366.5
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)
Hide subtree Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)113.8169.5173.7243.8
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)Acquisitions less disposals of land and other tangible non-produced assets (NP.1)110.6168.2173242.8
Acquisitions less disposals of intangible non-produced assets (NP.2)
Acquisitions less disposals of goodwill and marketing assets (NP.3)0000
Net lending / net borrowing (B.9)-9 819.1-41 898.5-27 305.1-20 359.8
(P-24 971.3
Data extracted on 25 Jan 2025 05:12 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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