Institutional sector
Hide subtree Total tax receipts141 972.6134 836.4150 453.9164 167.1
(P173 744
Hide subtree Taxes on production and imports (D.2)63 65459 326.966 882.168 947.1
(P73 354.8
Hide subtree  Taxes on products (D.21)53 237.649 159.156 526.757 312.3
(P59 088.2
Hide subtree  Value added tax (VAT) (D.211)32 181.329 537.834 713.136 442.1
(P37 828.1
 VAT on products32 181.329 537.834 713.136 442.1
(P37 828.1
Hide subtree  Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT (D.212)1 056.91 087.31 079.61 417.2
(P1 394.2
Hide subtree Import duties (D.2121)0000
 Import duties including ECSC rights0000
Hide subtree Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and duties (D.2122)1 056.91 087.31 079.61 417.2
(P1 394.2
Hide subtree Levies on imported agriculture products (D.2122 A)0000
 Levies on agriculture (D.2122 A)0000
Hide subtree Monetary compensatory amounts on imports (D.2122 B)0000
 Monetary compensatory amounts on imports (D.2122 B)0000
Hide subtree Excise duties (D.2122 C)1 056.91 087.31 079.61 417.2
(P1 394.2
 Excise duties on mineral oil60606060
 Excise duties on liquefied natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon and benzol0000
 Excise duties on tobacco385.3393411.6442.3
 Excise duties on brandy226.1249.9234.3242.9
 Taxes on consumption of alcohol and brandy0000
 Excise duties on fermented sparkling drinks103.989.7106.1105.3
 Excise duties on fermented fruit juices173.5185.7169.2169.7
 Excise duties on beer10101010
 Excise duties on non-alcoholic beverages82.7847485.1
 Excise duties on sugar and refining syrup0000
 Excise duties on coffee15.41514.413.9
 Excise duties on intermediary products0000
 Contribution for the surveillance on domestic fuel oil0000
 Contribution on oil product for heating0000
 Contribution on energy0000
 Packing contribution0000
 Environmental charge0000
 Contribution of the oil industry000288
Hide subtree General sales or turnover taxes (D.2122 D)0000
 Taxes as tax stamps0000
 Taxes on specific services (D.2122 E)0000
 Profits of import monopoly (D.2122 F)0000
Hide subtree  Other taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes (D.214)19 999.418 53420 73419 453
(P19 865.9
Hide subtree Excise duties and consumption taxes (D.214 A)10 931.410 020.111 000.810 065.2
(P10 857.3
 Excise duties on mineral oil5 234.64 227.55 019.94 616.1
(P5 857.9
 Excise duties on liquefied natural gas and liquefied hydrocarbon and benzol0000
 Excise duties on tobacco2 018.32 058.12 1682 324.6
(P2 301.2
 Excise duties on brandy84.793.787.891.1
 Taxes on consumption of alcohol and brandy0000
 Excise duties on fermented sparkling drinks0000
 Excise duties on fermented fruit juices0.
 Excise duties on beer189.7169.5157.4181.3
 Excise duties on non-alcoholic beverages100.6102.290.1103.5
 Excise duties on sugar and refining syrup0000
 Excise duties on coffee0000
 Excise duties on intermediary products25.325.524.421.5
 Contribution for the surveillance on domestic fuel oil29.53229.525.1
 Contribution on oil product for heating5.
 Contribution on energy339.9320.5340.1430.6
 Federal contribution on electricity and natural gas / Contribution to the Energy Fund (FR)429.5430.2418226.4
 Taxes on water (FR, WR and BCR)
 Contributions on sugar0000
 Super levy on milk0000
 Super levy on cereals0000
 Super levy on mutton0000
 Penalty for exceeding the milk quota0000
 Compulsory contributions from producers of animals and animal products (Sanitel)7.9121212
 Levy ECSC0000
 Packing contribution0000
 Environmental charge0000
  Contribution for FAPETRO43.83.33.2
  Contribution for APETRA122.3103.6113.6175.2
 FED - surtax on transmission price for offshore wind energy456.6603.6741.8-2.3
 FC - green certificates delivery682.6642.2594.6761.6
 FC - surtax on distribution prices to finance green certificates592.3578.9552.9451.3
 WR - green certificates delivery391.7403.4415.2406
 WR - surtax on transmission prices to finance green certificates171.3161.9178.2170.6
 BCR - green certificates delivery42.242.945.759.7
Hide subtree Stamp taxes (D.214 B)0000
 Stamp taxes (D.214 B)0000
Hide subtree Taxes on financial and capital transactions (D.214 C)5 378.74 960.95 942.75 616.5
(P4 998.3
 Registration rights4 911.44 403.25 336.85 097.7
(P4 495.3
 Mortgage rights958492.991.6
 Court rights32.218.930.138.8
 Taxes on stock exchange business298.2412.6434.6334.9
 Tax on delivery of securities to bearer0000
 Duties on written documents41.942.248.353.5
Hide subtree Registration taxes (D.214 D)496.9454.8479.3406.2
 Car registration taxes0000
 Traffic taxes496.9454.8479.3406.2
 Taxes on entertainment (D.214 E)0000
Hide subtree Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting (D.214 F)107.293.1104.2136.2
 Taxes on gambling and bets107.293.1104.2136.2
Hide subtree Taxes on insurance premiums (D.214 G)2 511.92 565.92 652.52 727.8
(P2 873
 Taxes on insurance contracts1 4031 430.81 494.51 538.9
(P1 648.4
 Additional levy on premiums for industrial accidents3634.333.833.8
 Additional levy on car insurance premiums698.9708.9718.8720.2
 Additional levy on fire insurance premiums204213.7224.1234.1
 Additional levy on hospitalization insurance premiums162.6169.1173.1192.1
 Receipts for the benefit of the Belgian Red Cross7.
Hide subtree Other taxes on specific services (D.214 H)00020.5
 Tax on the embarkement of aircrafts00020.5
Hide subtree General sales or turnover taxes (D.214 I)0000
 Taxes as tax stamps0000
Hide subtree Profits of fiscal monopolies (D.214 J)185.3185.3185.3200
 Profits of the national lottery185.3185.3185.3200
Hide subtree Export duties and monetary compensatory amounts on exports (D.214 K)0000
 Monetary compensatory amounts on exports0000
Hide subtree Other taxes on products n.e.c. (D.214 L)388253.9369.2280.6
 Taxes on poster advertising2.
 Contribution on the turnover of the pharmaceutical industry381.2246.9363272.2
 Levy on particular pharmaceutical products4.
 Contracts art. 81 medicines0000
Hide subtree  Other taxes on production (D.29)10 416.410 167.810 355.411 634.8
(P14 266.6
Hide subtree  Taxes on land, buildings or other structures (D.29 A)5 807.75 722.45 887.56 285
(P7 201.5
 Advance tax payment on property (PP)3 8843 842.53 952.44 229.5
(P4 844
 Advance tax payment on property (Corp)1 8301 793.81 840.91 965.2
(P2 254
 Opening tax0.1000
 Licence right0000
 Regional tax (BCR) - From 2002 onwards, only regional tax payable by the building owners93.686.194.290.3
Hide subtree  Taxes on use of fixed assets (D.29 B)679.4650.3642.4698.6
 Traffic taxes paid by corporations626.3620.6629.9645.7
 Tax on automatical recreation appliances533012.552.9
 Euro tax disc0.1-0.300
 Taxes equal to excise rights paid by corporations0000
Hide subtree  Total wage bill and payroll taxes (D.29 C)0000
 Taxes on the co-ordinating centre0000
  Taxes on international transactions (D.29 D)0000
Hide subtree  Taxes on business and professional licences (D.29 E)429.1435.1445.7456.9
  Contribution to the Protection Fund for Deposits and Financial Instruments0000
  Contribution to the Guarantee Fund for Financial Services (Formerly Special Protection Fund for deposits, life insurance contracts and the capital of approved cooperative societies)428.3434.8445.5456.7
  Contribution for Financial Stability to the Resolution Funds / Single Resolution Fund0.
Hide subtree  Taxes on pollution (D.29 F)603.3568579.5763.7
 Tax on waste products (FR and WR)8175.576.592.9
 Tax on manure (FR)
 Taxes on water (FR, WR and BCR)138.8132.2141.1132.8
 Emission permits381.4356.8356533.2
Hide subtree  Undercompensation of VAT (D.29 G)0000
 Undercompensation of VAT0000
Hide subtree  Other taxes on production n.e.c. (D.29 H)2 896.92 7922 800.33 430.6
(P4 948.5
 Annuities for patented entities12.812.112.513.1
 Monopoly interest (Belgacom)0000
 Monopoly interest (National lottery)94.594.594.5101.5
 Non-recurrent company contribution231.8225.1233.1242.1
 Contribution on public mandate94.85.25.2
 Reclamation clinical biology and pharmaceutical products1.5000
 Radio and television licences (WR, FR and GR) - partim0000
 Contribution payable by the nuclear operators156.992103.5134.8
 One-off contribution payable by the gas sector0000
 Special contribution from the electricity corporations0000
 One-off contribution payable by the oil sector0000
 Annual tax on unit trusts, credit companies and insurance companies163.8190.1211.3219.2
 Annual tax on credit institutions757.9794.2819.6877.1
 Tax on the surprofits of electricity production000481.2
 Other taxes on production1 468.71 379.21 320.51 356.3
(P1 861.5
Hide subtree Current taxes on income, wealth, etc (D.5)74 927.572 221.879 492.491 317.6
(P96 430
Hide subtree  Income taxes (D.51)72 77370 277.377 127.788 851.4
(P93 878.6
Hide subtree  Income taxes of natural persons or households (D.51 A)53 857.654 002.756 806.465 872.6
(P69 325.1
 Advance tax payment on movable property (PP)3 699.73 066.33 694.34 376.1
(P4 994.2
 Business' advance tax payment (PP)47 634.748 416.750 846.357 353
(P60 119.9
 Advance payments (PP)1 586.41 474.11 503.41 482.3
(P1 494.5
 Assessments (PP)-390.7-254.2-614.91 254.3
(P1 188
 Annual tax on profit sharing18.222.629.327.2
 Special social contributions1 266.81 222.71 326.81 346.8
(P1 366.4
 Contribution large incomes0.
 Tax on the worker's participation in the benefit or the capital of the company98.58.812.9
 Other income taxes33.345.812.219.9
Hide subtree  Income taxes of corporations (D.51 B)17 72815 001.219 02021 679.2
(P23 241.9
 Advance tax payment on movable property (corp)352.2253.8355.7466.3
 Advance payments (corp)14 621.512 425.515 53918 010.8
(P20 070.5
 Taxes from non-residents (corp)190.651.814931
 Assessments (corp)2 571.12 245.82 964.33 159.8
(P2 652.6
 Other income taxes-7.424.31211.3
  Taxes on holding gains/losses (D.51 C)0000
  Taxes on lottery and gambling profits (D.51 D)0000
Hide subtree  Other income taxes n.e.c. (D.51 E)1 187.41 273.41 301.31 299.6
(P1 311.6
 Former income taxes0000
 Taxes from non-residents (PP)1 133.31 2291 255.81 245.6
(P1 229.9
 Other income taxes54.144.445.554
Hide subtree  Other current taxes (D.59)2 154.51 944.52 364.72 466.2
(P2 551.4
Hide subtree  Current taxes on capital (D.59 A)861.3660.91 061.61 131.1
(P1 153.3
 Taxes on patrimony (grounds and buildings)292286.2310.7324.7
 Taxes on the NPIs47.25050.754
 Tax on quoted securities0000
 Levy for fighting the non-use of an electric power production site by a producer0000
 Transfer to the Fund for Industrial Accidents of recognized private insurance corporations305.1297.3321.2342.6
 Tax on securities accounts21727.4379409.8
Hide subtree  Poll taxes (D.59 B)00-0.20
 Tax on household waste (RW)0000
 Flat-rate regional tax (BCR)00-0.20
  Expenditure taxes (D.59 C)0000
Hide subtree  Household payments for receiving licences (D.59 D)1 270.11 259.91 279.21 310.4
(P1 372.8
 Taxes on traffic paid by the households1 270.11 259.91 279.21 310.4
(P1 372.8
 Taxes equal to excise rights paid by households0000
 Radio and television licences (FR)0000
  Taxes on international transactions (D.59 E)0000
Hide subtree  Other current taxes n.e.c. (D.59 F)23.123.724.124.7
 Other taxes23.123.724.124.7
Hide subtree Capital taxes (D.91)3 391.13 287.64 0793 902.4
(P3 958.8
Hide subtree  Taxes on capital transfers (D.91 A)2 935.62 966.73 663.33 577.7
(P3 602.1
  Death duties2 400.12 411.12 947.72 800.8
(P2 906.5
  Gift taxes535.5555.5715.7776.9
Hide subtree  Capital levies (D.91 B)455.6321415.6324.7
  Taxes on long-term savings341.9203.4207.1212.3
  One-off tax regulation0000
  One-off tax regulation "diamond sector"0000
  One-off tax regulation (bis)28.425.736.99.9
  One-off tax regulation (ter)85.391.9171.6102.6
  Special contribution from credit associations in case of withdrawal from the credit professional network0000
  Other capital taxes n.e.c. (D.91 C)0000
Hide subtree Net social contributions (D.61)73 674.273 100.676 662.683 589.6
(P90 093
Hide subtree p.m. Actual social contributions63 286.362 375.165 663.171 591.7
(P77 136.4
Hide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)37 902.137 351.639 411.743 137.1
(P45 983.9
Hide subtree Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.6111C)37 902.137 351.639 411.743 137.1
(P45 983.9
 To the general government account8 556.78 823.59 158.29 741.4
(P10 532.8
 To the other sectors' account29 345.428 528.130 253.533 395.7
(P35 451.1
Hide subtree Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.6111V)0000
 To the general government account0000
 To the other sectors' account0000
 Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)10 387.910 725.610 999.511 997.9
(P12 956.7
Hide subtree Households' actual social contributions (D.613)25 382.925 022.226 250.528 454
(P31 151.8
Hide subtree Employees' actual social contributions19 080.818 851.619 857.521 651.3
(P23 715
 Compulsory employees' actual social contributions (D.613CE)19 070.618 837.419 84121 645.4
(P23 713.7
 Voluntary employees' actual social contributions (D.613VE)
Hide subtree Self-employed persons' actual social contributions4 327.14 087.84 433.24 596.3
(P5 047.2
 Compulsory self-employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613CS)4 327.14 087.84 433.24 596.3
(P5 047.2
 Voluntary self-employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613VS)0000
Hide subtree Non employed persons' actual social contributions1 9752 082.81 959.82 206.4
(P2 389.6
 Compulsory non employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613CN)1 902.92 016.31 894.52 141.2
(P2 317.1
 Voluntary non employed persons' actual social contributions (D.613VN)72.166.565.265.2
 Households' social contributions supplements (D.614)1.51.410.7
 Social insurance scheme service charge (D.61SC)-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.1
 Capital transfers from general government to relevant sectors representing taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected (D.995)-611.3-617-524.2-532.7
 Taxes on products assessed but unlikely to be collected (D.995a)-479.4-476.6-429.8-410.8
 VAT on products assessed but unlikely to be collected-479.4-476.6-429.8-410.8
 Taxes on income assessed but unlikely to be collected (D.995c)-45.4-43.7-43.8-38.8
 Business' advance tax payment assessed but unlikely to be collected-45.4-43.7-43.8-38.8
 Employers' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected (D.995e)-86.5-96.7-50.6-83.1
 Employers' actual social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected-86.5-96.7-50.6-83.1
Hide subtree Total of taxes and social contributions204 647.5196 594.4215 592.8235 226.3
(P250 008.6
 Total of taxes and net social contributions (including imputed social contributions)215 035.4207 320226 592.3247 224.2
(P262 965.3
Hide subtree Total payable tax credits1 196.11 448.91 098.61 228.7
(P1 231.4
 of which payable tax credits that exceed the taxpayer's liability269376300333
Data extracted on 07 Feb 2025 14:09 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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