Institutional sector
ItemTotal government expenditureTotal government expenditure
Gross capital formation + acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (OP.5ANP)Gross capital formation + acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (OP.5ANP)Compensation of employees (D.1)Subsidies (D.3)Property income paid (D.4)Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.6M)Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.6M)Intermediate consumption + Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. + Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension entitlements (OEC)Other current transfers (D.7)Capital transfers (D.9)Final consumption expenditure (P.3)Final consumption expenditure (P.3)
Gross capital formation (P.5) and Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets (NP)Gross capital formation (P.5), of which, Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)Social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.632)Individual consumption expenditure (P.31)Collective consumption expenditure (P.32)
Government function
Hide subtree Total
(P294 508.2
(P15 756.6
(P15 513.7
(P15 143.9
(P68 025.3
(P21 073.6
(P8 579.2
(P139 932.4
(P95 074.3
(P44 858.1
(P23 792.7
(P12 930.5
(P4 418
(P131 843.6
(P86 405.4
(P45 438.2
TotalHide subtree 01 General public services
(P36 099.7
(P4 463.9
(P4 449.8
(P4 450.6
(P10 878.3
(P8 579.2
(P5 480.5
(P6 183.4
(P12 476.9
(P12 476.9
01 General public services01.1 Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairs
(P12 346.2
(P4 769.9
(P1 546.2
(P5 155.8
(P5 584.7
(P5 584.7
01.2 Foreign economic aid
(P1 351.4
01.3 General services
(P6 731.4
(P3 787.3
(P2 524.9
(P3 776.8
(P3 776.8
01.4 Basic research
(P6 208.8
(P3 264.8
(P3 246.8
(P3 246.8
(P2 240.3
(P2 278.8
(P2 278.8
01.5 R&D General public services
01.6 General public services n.e.c.
01.7 Public debt transactions
(P9 208.1
(P8 579.2
01.8 Transfers of a general character between different levels of government
Hide subtree 02 Defence
(P5 439.4
(P2 969.7
(P1 519.1
(P4 822.8
(P4 822.8
02 Defence02.1 Military defence
(P5 175.1
(P2 905
(P1 424.8
(P4 669.8
(P4 669.8
02.2 Civil defence
02.3 Foreign military aid
02.4 R&D Defence
02.5 Defence n.e.c.
Hide subtree 03 Public order and safety
(P9 651.2
(P7 648.5
(P1 398.9
(P8 909.2
(P8 909.2
03 Public order and safety03.1 Police services
(P5 680.4
(P4 762.2
(P5 420.4
(P5 420.4
03.2 Fire-protection services
(P1 173.6
(P1 008.8
(P1 008.8
03.3 Law courts
(P1 441.8
(P1 043
(P1 243.7
(P1 243.7
03.4 Prisons
03.5 R&D Public order and safety
03.6 Public order and safety n.e.c.
Hide subtree 04 Economic affairs
(P35 393.9
(P5 232.4
(P5 193.4
(P5 198.6
(P7 054.5
(P13 814
(P1 054.7
(P1 054.7
(P5 284
(P1 187.8
(P1 766.5
(P13 674.7
(P13 674.7
04 Economic affairs04.1 General economic, commercial and labour affairs
(P16 927.5
(P1 998.1
(P11 355.2
(P1 054.6
(P1 080.2
(P2 666.8
(P2 666.8
04.2 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
04.3 Fuel and energy
04.4 Mining, manufacturing and construction
04.5 Transport
(P15 073.7
(P4 722.7
(P4 701.1
(P4 696.2
(P4 334.3
(P1 323.5
(P3 817.7
(P9 899.9
(P9 899.9
04.6 Communication
04.7 Other industries
04.8 R&D Economic affairs
(P1 590
04.9 Economic affairs n.e.c.
Hide subtree 05 Environment protection
(P6 833.7
(P1 552.2
(P2 455.1
(P1 753.8
(P2 374.3
(P2 374.3
05 Environment protection05.1 Waste management
(P2 150.6
(P1 165.8
(P1 363.8
(P1 363.8
05.2 Waste water management
05.3 Pollution abatement
(P2 827
(P2 339
05.4 Protection of biodiversity and landscape
05.5 R&D Environmental protection
05.6 Environmental protection n.e.c.
Hide subtree 06 Housing
(P2 015.8
06 Housing06.1 Housing development
06.2 Community development
06.3 Water supply
06.4 Street lighting
06.5 R&D Housing and community amenities
06.6 Housing and community amenities n.e.c.
Hide subtree 07 Health
(P44 951.9
(P1 869.3
(P2 901.4
(P37 358.3
(P36 492.6
(P39 042.4
(P38 481.3
07 Health07.1 Medical products, appliances and equipment
(P4 300.6
(P4 015.2
(P3 947
(P4 165.6
(P4 165.6
07.2 Outpatient services
(P15 904.9
(P15 179.3
(P15 070.2
(P15 619.7
(P15 619.7
07.3 Hospital services
(P21 831
(P2 638.9
(P18 005.1
(P17 317.1
(P17 778.7
(P17 778.7
07.4 Public health services
(P1 652.4
07.5 R&D Health
07.6 Health n.e.c.
Hide subtree 08 Recreation, culture and religion
(P6 853.2
(P2 333
(P1 520.5
(P1 219.4
(P3 359.8
(P2 258.6
(P1 101.2
08 Recreation, culture and religion08.1 Recreational and sporting services
(P2 168.8
08.2 Cultural services
(P2 857.7
(P1 333.8
(P1 333.8
08.3 Broadcasting and publishing services
(P1 044
08.4 Religious and other community services
08.5 R&D Recreation, culture and religion
08.6 Recreation, culture and religion n.e.c.
Hide subtree 09 Education
(P34 726.5
(P2 121.9
(P2 103.2
(P2 103.2
(P28 255.1
(P3 703.4
(P32 393.1
(P32 025.1
09 Education09.1 Pre-primary and primary education
(P11 124.6
(P9 923.8
(P10 809.8
(P10 809.8
09.2 Secondary education
(P13 161.1
(P12 023.8
(P1 016.1
(P13 015.4
(P13 015.4
09.3 Post-secondary non-tertiary education
09.4 Tertiary education
(P5 238.5
(P3 856.5
(P4 040.3
(P4 040.3
09.5 Education not definable by level
(P3 307.6
(P1 572
(P3 518.7
(P3 518.7
09.6 Subsidiary services to education
(P1 346.4
09.7 R&D Education
09.8 Education n.e.c.
Hide subtree 10 Social protection
(P112 543
(P5 007.3
(P1 046.5
(P101 246.5
(P92 888.9
(P8 357.5
(P1 625.6
(P2 775.1
(P14 095.1
(P13 640.3
10 Social protection10.1 Sickness and disability
(P20 255.9
(P18 988
(P14 799.7
(P4 188.3
(P4 979.4
(P4 979.4
10.2 Old age
(P53 656.9
(P52 127.6
(P52 127.5
10.3 Survivors
(P8 196.2
(P8 145.4
(P8 145.4
10.4 Family and children
(P12 054.2
(P10 272
(P8 901.6
(P1 370.4
(P2 383.5
(P2 383.5
10.5 Unemployment
(P6 669.6
(P5 879.8
(P5 879.8
10.6 Housing
(P1 046.3
10.7 Social exclusion n.e.c.
(P9 595.6
(P1 646.3
(P5 630.5
(P2 927.1
(P2 703.4
(P1 917.4
(P4 507.9
(P4 507.9
10.8 R&D Social protection
10.9 Social protection n.e.c.
(P1 042.2
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 04:26 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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