Receipts | Millions of euro | | 238 300.2 | 229 177.7 | 250 657.2 | 274 039.8 | |
Receipts | Fiscal and parafiscal receipts | | 204 647.7 | 196 594.4 | 215 592.4 | 235 226.1 | |
Fiscal and parafiscal receipts | Direct taxes | | 74 882.1 | 72 178.1 | 79 448.6 | 91 278.8 | |
Indirect taxes | | 63 174.6 | 58 850.3 | 66 452.3 | 68 536.3 | |
Actual social contributions | | 63 199.9 | 62 278.4 | 65 612.5 | 71 508.6 | |
Taxes on capital | | 3 391.1 | 3 287.6 | 4 079 | 3 902.4 | |
Non-fiscal and non-parafiscal receipts | | 33 652.5 | 32 583.3 | 35 064.8 | 38 813.7 | |
Expenditure | | 248 119.3 | 271 076.2 | 277 962.3 | 294 399.6 | |
Expenditure | Current expenditure excluding interest charges | | 222 413.1 | 244 734.8 | 250 092.9 | 265 120.5 | |
Current expenditure excluding interest charges | Compensation of employees | | 58 763.5 | 60 570.1 | 62 811.8 | 68 131.1 | |
Intermediate consumption and paid taxes | | 19 732.5 | 19 947.7 | 21 399.6 | 23 790.3 | |
Social benefits | | 116 595.2 | 127 761.4 | 131 049.2 | 139 084.3 | |
Subsidies | | 18 112.5 | 22 983.5 | 22 158.1 | 21 463.1 | |
Current transfers to the rest of the world (ROW) | | 5 248.2 | 6 160.3 | 6 917.2 | 6 468.4 | |
Other current transfers | | 3 961.2 | 7 311.8 | 5 757 | 6 183.3 | |
Interest charges | | 9 627.9 | 9 126.6 | 8 581.5 | 8 845.3 | |
Capital expenditure | | 16 078.3 | 17 214.8 | 19 287.9 | 20 433.8 | |
Gross saving | | 3 178.4 | -27 644.6 | -12 338.8 | -3 986.7 | |
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) | | -9 819.1 | -41 898.5 | -27 305.1 | -20 359.8 | |
As p.c. of GDP | | -2 | -9 | -5.4 | -3.6 | |
Primary balance | Millions of euro | | -191.2 | -32 771.9 | -18 723.6 | -11 514.5 | |