Territorial unit (Region/Province/District)
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Category of expenditure (COICOP 2 and 3 digits)
Hide subtree Final consumption expenditure of households (national) (P.3)224 455.5233 387240 618.2222 487.9242 508
Hide subtree Food and non-alcoholic beverages28 675.429 741.130 663.531 558.332 195.5
Food26 214.527 189.228 087.129 092.629 733.3
Non-alcoholic beverages2 460.92 551.92 576.42 465.82 462.1
Hide subtree Alcoholic beverages and tobacco8 914.99 205.79 439.49 656.510 377.2
Alcoholic beverages3 591.43 712.43 788.73 929.34 057.6
Tobacco4 680.34 809.94 975.55 110.85 672.8
Hide subtree Clothing and footwear11 266.211 509.811 624.49 182.210 783
Clothing9 286.99 505.29 648.77 675.29 093.3
Footwear1 979.32 004.71 975.61 507.11 689.7
Hide subtree Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels52 227.754 303.755 494.855 522.259 759.1
Actual rentals for housing12 082.512 583.713 097.213 671.214 308
Imputed rentals for housing25 665.926 50427 139.527 778.428 782.4
Maintenance and repair of the dwelling712.9715.4746.5749.4837.7
Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling3 183.53 185.93 269.13 266.93 439.7
Electricity, gas and other fuels10 582.911 314.711 242.510 056.312 391.2
Hide subtree Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the dwelling13 537.713 900.714 459.614 428.415 991.6
Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings and household appliances6 525.46 687.27 021.87 164.28 086.5
Household textiles922.2904909904.8984.4
Glassware, tableware and household utensils1 009.21 028.91 094.41 064.51 207.8
Tools and equipment for house and garden1 136.91 189.81 243.11 237.11 395.7
Goods and services for routine household maintenance3 9444 090.74 191.34 057.84 317.2
Hide subtree Health14 521.315 176.616 366.814 773.516 299.8
Medical products, appliances and equipment3 975.23 986.94 342.34 202.24 249.7
Out-patient services3 601.93 673.53 8603 219.83 927.5
Hospital services6 944.27 516.28 164.57 351.68 122.6
Hide subtree Transport25 02026 199.726 994.622 548.623 875.8
Purchase of vehicles6 940.87 133.77 377.26 730.76 166.7
Operation of personal transport equipment15 434.816 336.216 870.414 254.915 999.9
Transport services2 644.42 729.82 7471 563.11 709.3
Hide subtree Communication4 8394 820.24 998.85 473.45 552.5
Postal services152.4175.8198.3256.6281.9
Telephone and telefax equipment278.2274.9262328.2341.5
Telephone and telefax services4 408.44 369.54 538.64 888.64 929.2
Hide subtree Recreation and culture18 823.819 731.420 274.316 645.418 649.6
Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment and other major durables for recreation and culture3 156.93 295.53 366.13 303.83 827.2
Other recreational items and equipment, gardens and pets4 190.64 270.74 461.34 534.15 057.2
Recreational and cultural services6 390.96 824.87 190.85 678.86 257.9
Newspapers, books and stationery2 369.32 4522 437.52 264.82 355.4
Package holidays2 716.12 888.42 818.68641 151.9
Hide subtree Restaurants, pubs and hotels16 446.317 345.218 377.711 898.914 984.8
Hotels, restaurants and pubs13 376.814 117.914 836.810 008.712 446.7
Hotels3 069.53 227.23 5411 890.22 538.1
Hide subtree Miscellaneous goods and services29 339.230 54430 982.730 004.933 149.3
Personal care4 759.94 896.35 064.24 137.94 832
Prostitution975.21 000.41 031.3958.91 101
Personal effects n.e.c.1 187.41 236.61 315.11 272.41 395.5
Social protection2 567.42 674.62 971.52 723.13 031.8
Insurances7 630.77 999.98 070.98 115.28 659.1
Financial services n.e.c.7 5337 829.77 413.57 759.58 759.5
Other services n.e.c.4 685.54 906.55 116.35 038.15 370.5
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 04:17 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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