Territorial unit (Region/Province/District)
Price type / UnitCurrent prices in millions of euro
ItemBranch of industry
Exports of goodsHide subtree Total276 850.2283 947.1258 586.3331 893.3399 809.7
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (1)978.81 238.11 292.51 413.51 649.8
 Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation (2)155 651.0162 223.5150 645.2182 285.5223 429.7
 Construction (3)563.5401.1321.0508.3583.2
 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accomodation and food service activities (4)113 936.5114 382.5100 863.8141 265.6166 879.2
 Information and communication (5)471.1500.0432.0732.4894.2
 Financial and insurance activities (6)571.5768.9942.6610.7586.4
 Real estate activities (7)35.867.447.647.959.8
 Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (8)4 300.14 016.73 863.24 867.05 516.4
 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (9)77.860.461.484.990.4
 Arts, entertainment, repair of household goods and other services (10)264.1288.5117.077.5120.6
Import of goodsHide subtree Total278 655.6280 195.8248 661.0323 855.4407 492.6
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (1)417.0484.4506.4594.0660.8
 Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation (2)112 200.5111 278.396 905.9129 269.2179 827.0
 Construction (3)1 481.01 528.91 591.81 569.62 090.3
 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accomodation and food service activities (4)154 188.1155 500.2138 149.6178 808.2210 262.3
 Information and communication (5)1 547.81 302.71 278.61 746.42 111.1
 Financial and insurance activities (6)985.41 226.51 378.41 178.31 247.2
 Real estate activities (7)55.2107.976.750.768.5
 Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (8)4 091.04 900.93 735.75 332.76 114.1
 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities (9)520.1565.51 030.71 299.61 179.4
 Arts, entertainment, repair of household goods and other services (10)126.5143.5137.5140.0199.8
 Final Consumption of Households (P.3)3 043.03 157.03 869.73 866.73 732.1
Exports of servicesHide subtree Total105 358.3110 468.6103 707.1114 699.6130 585.2
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing; industry; construction (1+2)20 281.021 609.219 809.722 372.326 776.7
 Trade and services (3)85 077.388 859.483 897.492 327.3103 808.5
Import of servicesHide subtree Total105 096.5111 213.1104 418.3113 776.3131 928.6
 Agriculture, forestry and fishing; industry; construction (1+2)26 876.128 613.929 273.531 421.937 175.6
 Trade and services (3)64 641.967 856.264 266.569 943.479 509.1
 Final Consumption of Households (P.3)13 578.514 743.010 878.312 411.015 243.9
Data extracted on 16 Sep 2024 05:51 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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