Institutional sector
Hide subtree Itemization of the social benefits116 595.4127 761.2131 049.5139 084.3
(P149 425.9
Hide subtree  Social benefits in kind provided by market producers36 535.936 217.340 480.844 148.8
(P46 775.9
Hide subtree Medical care31 56430 991.434 638.236 346.6
(P39 701.3
 Employees (from 2008, no distinction anymore between the employees and the self-employed persons)
 Self-employed (from 2008, no distinction anymore between the employees and the self-employed persons)
 Disabled veterans, veterans and war casualties8.
 Service for Overseas Social Security147.68.48.7
 Health and social care insurance0000
 Social benefits in kind, other4 971.95 225.95 842.67 802.2
(P7 074.6
Hide subtree  Social benefits in cash80 059.591 543.990 568.794 935.5
(P102 650
Hide subtree Payments for sickness and invalidity9 350.210 059.910 736.311 954.5
(P13 041.6
 Employees8 8029 467.510 112.511 231.7
(P12 216.3
 Unemployment4 7475 137.64 986.84 826.7
(P5 145.5
 Unemployment benefits with employer top-up (New name for early retirements since 2012)890.7681.6520.2404.6
 Career break and time-credit739.4753.6675.1733.6
 Corona unemployment 04 2481 979.1518.8
 Bankruptcy / Replacement income 4.73 388.42 089.3146
Hide subtree Retirement pension and survival pension (private sector)32 091.233 556.234 992.839 143.3
(P43 110.1
 Employees27 867.429 232.130 507.534 137.9
(P37 585
 Self-employed3 9144 020.24 190.54 698.8
(P5 211.2
 Service for Overseas Social Security309.8303.9294.8306.6
Hide subtree Retirement pension and survival pension (public sector)17 180.317 668.318 098.119 807.3
(P21 332.8
 Widow's and orphan's fund1 177.61 187.61 178.61 260.6
(P1 324.9
 Semi-governmental pool514.2542.5564629.8
 Municipal pensions (ex Funds for Municipal Pensions and Public Service for Social Security from the provincial and local government - Pool l and ll)2 750.32 827.82 939.63 292
(P3 586.4
 Statutory staff of the Post Office693.9699.4699.5745.3
 Pension fund of the Integrated Police Force Pension fund of the Integrated Police Force. From 2012 onwards, Pension Fund of the Federal Police.132.8138.6148.2171.3
 Statutory staff of Belgacom393.3400.4407.6445.8
 Statutory staff of the SNCB group1 182.81 231.71 261.61 376.5
(P1 455.7
 Statutory staff of other public enterprises56.254.853.355.3
 Employers' social insurance schemes: retirement pension and survival pension10 213.610 526.310 768.711 753.7
(P12 701
 Employers' social insurance schemes: early retirements (military and teaching profession)65.659.27777
Hide subtree Child allowance (private sector)6 887.57 079.77 304.97 738
(P8 191.9
 Guaranteed family allowance
Hide subtree Child allowance (public sector)
 Public Service for Social Security from provincial and local government
 Employers' social insurance schemes
 Industrial accidents277.8280.2280.2296.1
 Occupational diseases245.2244.4243.2252.3
 Subsistence allowance. From 2002 onwards, integration income1 445.41 575.51 652.31 809.6
(P2 049.4
 Old persons' guaranteed income. From 2001 onwards, guaranteed income for the elderly597.6679.1766.7824.1
 Compensations for the handicapped2 303.92 411.32 609.62 906.9
(P3 193.8
 War pensions46.738.432.230.5
 Fund for the Closing of Corporations166.6220.9229.5114.7
 Social transfers (tax credits recoverable)769906.2720.4812.8
(P1 006.1
 Health and social care insurance453.2303.7463.3450.9
 Social benefits in cash, other1 8632 3112 1892 165
(P2 238
Data extracted on 07 Mar 2025 03:22 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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