AccountFinancial account
Government sectorInformation on item
BalanceFinancial instrument
Net acquisition of financial assetsHide subtree Total10 405-7 3217 681-2 0592 80711 836-6 1101 398-81
 Currency and deposits (F.2)7 407-5 047-1 9793 261-2 20014 719-12 9964 139-3 246
Hide subtree Debt securities (F.3)11285138106-143-1131 269161-176
 Short-term debt securities (F.31)24562128-138-671 309152-141
 Long-term debt securities (F.32)8829136-22-6-46-419-35
Hide subtree Loans (F.4)1455581 1104859338321 183422399
 Short-term loans (F.41)-454434821-8112759-9
 Long-term loans (F.42)6005151 0624659408221 156364408
 Equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5)9063422-1 699343155159277-353
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes (F.6)000000000
 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7)-91-93-25-110-66-80-17-6-45
 Other accounts receivable/payable (F.8)1 926-2 8578 414-4 1023 941-3 6774 293-3 5963 340
Net increase in financial liabilitiesHide subtree Total8 7492 9187 29314 9821 80121 539-5 52819 158258
 Currency and deposits (F.2)17121-51093-15
Hide subtree Debt securities (F.3)8 3461956 98316 1783 62121 654-7 40421 857-9
 Short-term debt securities (F.31)-5 0372 654-260-7272 6639 301-5 5591533 131
 Long-term debt securities (F.32)13 383-2 4587 24316 90595812 353-1 84521 703-3 140
Hide subtree Loans (F.4)-2791 207-2 6933 128-1 891-1 9441 003331 286
 Short-term loans (F.41)-5831 437-3 5192 594-1 485-1 974127-2201 023
 Long-term loans (F.42)304-229825535-40530876252262
 Equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5)000000000
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes (F.6)222111100
 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7)-128-32-21-10-61-120-9-23
 Other accounts receivable/payable (F.8)7911 5343 022-4 3101211 819848-2 721-1 000
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) (B.9F)Information on itemTotal1 657-10 239388-17 0401 006-9 703-582-17 761-339
Data extracted on 03 Dec 2024 14:30 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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