Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Hide subtree Assets55 09451 49550 57353 44054 11953 71953 30353 88052 383
Deposits and loan claims2 4432 2812 1292 2902 2602 2672 2322 2102 240
Hide subtree Securitised loans52 52949 10348 32251 03351 69751 22650 79351 33249 782
Hide subtree Originated by euro area MFI52 50949 08448 28049 83950 54550 10349 71149 32847 636
to euro area households29 07026 45726 37725 95426 78826 63926 47726 34225 414
to euro area NFC21 85221 07020 41022 38222 34322 07521 81521 69621 516
to other euro area residents1 5871 5571 4931 5031 4141 3891 4181 289707
to non-euro area residents000000000
Originated by euro area general government000000000
Originated by euro area non-monetary financial institutions0022561577598605599582
Originated by euro area non-financial corporations2020206335755254771 3951 564
Originated by non-euro area residents000000000
Securities other than shares00000..000
Other securitised assets000000000
Other assetsInformation on item122111122118162225278348360
Hide subtree Liabilities55 09451 49550 57353 44054 11953 71953 30353 88052 383
Loans and deposits received2 9452 8512 7702 6882 6302 5722 5052 4501 999
Hide subtree Debt securities issued51 75748 28247 44050 38351 02250 63850 25450 84149 832
up to 2 years000000000
over 2 years51 75748 28247 44050 38351 02250 63850 25450 84149 832
Other liabilitiesInformation on item391362364369467509544589551
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 03:25 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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