Institution typeInformation on item
Hide subtree Total assets1 5881 3961 4141 3211 1461 1161 2761 0221 161
  Cash and cash balances with central banks and postal cheque offices000000000
  Public securities eligible for refinancing with the central bank000000000
Hide subtree  Claims on credit institutions808544685513557563721550723
  Repayable on demand770506651510455469623398565
  Other claims (at fixed term or at notice)38383421029499152158
  Claims on clients240351331353257275276211213
Hide subtree  Bonds and other fixed-income securities000000000
  Issued by public bodies000000000
  Issued by other issuers000000000
  Shares, interests in companies and other variable-income securities777425261111121212
Hide subtree  Financial fixed assets110110111134142143143134135
  Participations in affiliated enterprises1071071071081361071079292
  Participations in other enterprises linked by a participating interest22224435354041
  Other shares and equity constituting financial fixed assets000000000
  Subordinated claims on affiliated enterprises and other enterprises linked by a participating interest001222222
  Formation expenses and intangible fixed assets11511587816763595653
  Tangible fixed assets332222222
  Own shares000000000
  Other assets2151781501869540443711
  Differed charges and accrued income222223251419202012
Hide subtree Total liabilities1 5881 3961 4141 3211 1461 1161 2761 0221 161
Hide subtree Third-party funds943575518385603471484400610
Hide subtree  Amounts payable to credit institutions4140394245474
  Repayable on demand000000000
  Debts resulting from mobilisation by rediscounting of commercial bills000000000
  Other debts at fixed term or at notice4140394245474
Hide subtree  Amounts payable to customers4443453802000
  Savings deposits000000000
Hide subtree  Other debts4443453802000
  Repayable on demand100002000
  At fixed term or at notice4343453800000
  Resulting from mobilisation by rediscounting of commercial bills000000000
Hide subtree  Debts represented by a security000000000
  Notes and bonds in circulation000000000
  Other items000000000
  Other liabilities848482427297590457471378591
  Differed charges and accrued income36466571112
Hide subtree  Provisions and deferred tax liabilities752231333
Hide subtree  Provisions for risks and charges752231333
  Pensions and similar obligations000000011
  Tax liabilities211111111
  Other risks and charges531110221
  Deferred tax liabilities000000000
  Fund for general banking risks000000000
  Subordinated debts000000000
Hide subtree Equity645821896935543646792622552
Hide subtree  Capital243248245246192198198194194
  Paid-in capital244248245247193199199195196
  Uncalled capital-1-10-1-1-1-1-1-2
  Share premium account868686868685858585
  Revaluation gains000121919191922
Hide subtree  Reserves828868686665666769
  Legal reserves191919191515151416
Hide subtree  Unavailable reserves066664444
  For own shares000000000
  Other items066664444
  Tax-exempt reserves333333443
  Available reserves606040404343434345
  Profit carried forward (+) or loss carried forward (-)127170127811001011024151
  Income (+) or loss (-) at the end of the period10622936944281177322216132
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 08:48 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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