Institution typeInformation on item
UCI governed by Belgian lawHide subtree Number of institutions (end of period)1031011019999
Number of institutions (end of period)Hide subtree Investment companies with variable capital7775757373
Investment companies with variable capitalp.m. CompartmentsInformation on item
p.m. Operating compartmentsInformation on item639621601599599
Mutual investment funds99999
Pension-saving fundsInformation on item1717171717
Hide subtree Net inventory value (end of period)189 176184 306195 503203 022219 713
Net inventory value (end of period)Investment companies with variable capital161 032155 880164 802171 037187 192
Mutual investment funds6 4646 4617 0327 2656 765
Pension-saving fundsInformation on item21 68021 96523 66824 72025 756
Subscriptions41 28719 31726 89622 82022 320
Repayments32 63520 08226 46121 30519 845
Net contributions8 652-7654361 5152 475
Foreign UCI whose shares and other equity are issued publicly in BelgiumHide subtree Number of institutions (end of period)565559582596600
Number of institutions (end of period)by legal formHide subtree Investment companies with variable capital446441454464472
Investment companies with variable capitalp.m. Compartments4 4424 4844 5264 5304 533
Investment funds119118128132128
by categoryHide subtree Institutions with UCITS passport565559582596600
Institutions with UCITS passportp.m. Compartments4 6954 7324 7874 7294 732
Hide subtree Institutions without UCITS passport00000
Institutions without UCITS passportp.m. Compartments00000
Subscriptions in Belgium
Repayments in Belgium
Net contributions in Belgium
For information purposes: Net inventory value of UCI governed by Belgian and foreign law publicly spread in Belgium (end of period)318 903292 720314 120326 790
Data extracted on 03 Dec 2024 19:55 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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