Hide subtree Assets1 331 4501 369 331
AssetsHide subtree Cashflow and interbank assets284 596282 175
Cashflow and interbank assetsCash, balances with central banks and postal cheque offices4 1244 918
Hide subtree Interbank loans and advances280 472277 257
Interbank loans and advancesDue immediately40 26231 511
Other240 211245 746
Hide subtree Customer loans561 082591 313
Customer loansHide subtree Credit originally granted by credit institutions546 012577 800
Credit originally granted by credit institutionsBills of trade2 6802 359
Own acceptances403396
Claims arising out of lease financing and similar claims11 03711 425
Loans at fixed interest13 55413 720
Mortgage loans148 546156 701
Term loans304 653324 047
Current account advances39 72242 927
Other credits25 41726 225
Other debtors15 07013 514
Hide subtree Securities and other negociable instruments348 650368 019
Securities and other negociable instrumentsHide subtree Public bills6 9668 427
Public billsAdmissible for refinancing with central banks4 0024 703
Other2 9643 724
Other short-term negotiable instruments9 6708 885
Public funds178 918180 777
Other long-term debts represented by securities109 860121 218
Company shares19 34321 287
Other securities23 89327 425
Hide subtree Fixed assets20 68320 646
Fixed assetsHide subtree Financial fixed assets, of which :8 2838 125
Financial fixed assets, of which :Holdings consolidated according to the equity method3 9003 850
Other4 0203 963
Tangible fixed assets10 31710 437
Formation costs and intangible fixed assets751803
Variances due to consolidation and use of the equity method1 3321 281
Own shares77
Other assets116 431107 171
Hide subtree Liabilities1 331 4501 369 331
LiabilitiesHide subtree Interbank liabilities374 908412 570
Interbank liabilitiesDue immediately56 43048 728
Liabilities arising out of realisations148 960163 866
Other term liabilities or liabilities subject to notice169 519199 976
Hide subtree Customer liabilities649 820651 403
Customer liabilitiesHide subtree Deposits491 826502 667
DepositsSight deposits182 000184 417
Term or subject to < 1 month's notice50 90458 115
Term or subject to >= 1 month's notice and <= 1 year's notice72 62069 616
Term or subject to > 1 year's notice18 18317 760
Special deposits11 72311 785
Regulated savings deposits154 188158 782
Linked to mortgage loans2 0562 037
Deposit protection system152155
Other creditors157 993148 736
Hide subtree Liabilities represented by a security114 093119 476
Liabilities represented by a securityCertificates of deposit and similar liabilities57 34262 632
Savings bonds32 14031 820
Debentures24 61025 024
Reductions in value, provisions, contingency funds and deferred taxes9 4398 593
Other liabilities119 184113 417
Subordinated liabilities24 68224 325
Hide subtree Equity, of which :36 84237 038
Equity, of which :Hide subtree Capital11 06810 809
CapitalSubscribed capital11 06910 810
Capital not called up11
Issue premiums6 6836 683
Revaluation surpluses3535
Reserves and result brought forward15 71416 291
Variances due to consolidated and use of the equity method-851-780
Consolidated profit (+) or loss (-)2 9662 711
Minority interests2 4822 509
Data extracted on 25 Jan 2025 05:28 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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