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Hide subtree Assets6 473 0966 456 6006 442 5176 428 4926 398 397
Gold and gold receivables757 490757 490757 491757 485757 483
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency503 633505 891506 094506 570505 327
Receivables from the IMF233 028233 020233 013233 011233 337
Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets270 606272 870273 081273 560271 991
Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency18 71817 31517 10817 00717 413
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro18 07617 98317 50117 54717 456
Balances with banks, security investments and loans18 07617 98317 50117 54717 456
Claims arising from the credit facility under the ERM-II00000
Hide subtree Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro90 24788 06088 31088 18452 352
Main refinancing operations4 0161 8292 0531 93512 448
Longer-term refinancing operations86 23186 23186 23186 23139 894
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Structural reverse operations00000
Marginal lending facility00261810
Credits related to margin calls00000
Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro35 82236 31732 03732 41135 717
Hide subtree Securities of euro area residents denominated in euroInformation on item4 656 9874 648 9664 641 0064 631 9394 633 282
Securities held for monetary policy purposes4 436 3084 427 9184 418 7274 408 1684 407 710
Other securities220 679221 049222 279223 771225 571
General government debt denominated in euro20 83220 83220 83220 83220 832
Other assets371 292363 745362 138356 518358 535
Hide subtree Liabilities6 473 0966 456 6006 442 5176 428 4926 398 397
Banknotes in circulation1 563 1461 562 6401 561 4581 559 5251 560 917
Hide subtree Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro3 205 6943 216 5083 220 9363 199 8773 147 002
Current accounts167 278155 615204 626168 435156 645
Deposit facility3 038 4163 060 8933 016 3113 031 4422 990 357
Fixed term deposits00000
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Deposits related to margin calls00000
Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euroInformation on item32 79934 93831 42132 42432 536
Debt certificates issued00000
Hide subtree Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro214 816207 199200 237201 613209 526
General government137 821123 381118 162115 991120 958
Other liabilitiesInformation on item76 99483 81882 07485 62288 568
Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro191 907176 324174 823188 599198 201
Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency14 78615 74115 62915 14613 598
Hide subtree Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency2 4342 1512 1151 4261 322
Deposits, balances and other liabilities2 4342 1512 1151 4261 322
Liabilities arising from the credit facility under the ERM II00000
Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF179 020179 020179 020179 020179 020
Other liabilities218 446212 074206 874200 858206 272
Revaluation accounts750 442750 442750 442750 442750 442
Capital and reserves99 60699 56199 56199 56199 561
Data extracted on 08 Oct 2024 13:18 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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