Branches of activityAA - Agriculture, forestry and fishingBB - Mining and quarryingCA - Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco productsCB - Manufacture of textiles, wearing apparel and leather productsCC - Manufacture of wood and paper products, and printingCD - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum productsCE - Manufacture of chemicals and chemical productsCF - Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparationsCG - Manufacture of rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral productsCH - Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipmentCI - Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical productsCJ - Manufacture of electrical equipmentCK - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.CL - Manufacture of transport equipmentCM - Manufacture of furniture; other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipmentDD - Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supplyEE - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activitiesFF - ConstructionGG - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesHH - Transportation and storageII - Accommodation and food service activitiesJA - Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activitiesJB - TelecommunicationsJC - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; information service activitiesKK - Financial and insurance activitiesLL - Real estate activitiesMA - Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysisMB - Scientific research and developmentMC - Advertising and market research; other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activitiesNN - Administrative and support service activitiesOO - Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityPP - EducationQA - Human health activitiesQB - Social work activitiesRR - Arts, entertainment and recreationSS - Other service activitiesTT - Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated goods and services production of households for own useThe aggregate of output at basic pricesImports of goods and servicesTotal supply at basic pricesTrade and transport marginsTaxes on productsSubsidies on productsTotal supply at purchasers' prices
AA - Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing10 937.9088.80000.300000000000003.3000000065.7049.200000011 145.28 502.319 647.55 256.1447.3-13425 216.9
BB - Mining and quarrying1.7571.317000200361.784.80000004.8017.30000000000000000001 078.615 221.316 299.978213.7017 095.6
CA - Food products, beverages and tobacco products88039 323.7000235.910000000030.60561.722.631.8000000000000006040 301.321 76562 066.318 683.47 109-12.487 846.3
CB - Textiles, wearing apparel and leather products000.13 296.20029.30245.810.900012.38.5001153.900000010.8000000000003 678.88 641.212 3204 985.11 875.2019 180.3
CC - Wood and paper products, and printing services5.200.787.68 099.608.30166.926.60000.112.4007.8151.62021600033.4002.700000008 793.95 381.114 1752 571.7335.7017 082.4
CD - Coke and refined petroleum products000008 960.5547.800000000000121.50000000000000000009 629.88 402.518 032.32 808.96 065.6026 906.8
CE - Chemicals and chemical products1.481.8282.9255.75 943.924 888.1619.2527.2291.900.503.10029.61.8174.512.200000068.2000000000032 95731 493.264 450.27 464.11 122.4073 036.7
CF - Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations000700139.519 341.61.8000000.60006 702.900000000048.80000000026 242.232 12758 369.24 9551 648.2064 972.4
CG - Rubber and plastics products, and other non-metallic mineral products035.640.7114.139253.7196.655.312 256.7176.6085.7027.295.70064.1199.710000000000000000013 794.710 513.224 307.95 121.7447.2029 876.8
CH - Basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment00028.900400229.228 724.828.1151149.154.300154.3226.500000000000000000029 768.216 404.946 173.13 684.2294.4050 151.7
CI - Computer, electronic and optical products0000003.506.835.42 6574.64121.83.6000125.600001.5000027.7000000002 928.515 107.818 036.34 691.7746.3023 474.3
CJ - Electrical equipment0000000017.533.623.62 755.854.112.900041.6147.10000000000000000003 086.29 031.612 117.82 872.5510.6015 500.9
CK - Machinery and equipment n.e.c.00000043.50122.4235.592.317.17 961.721.922000.321.700000000013.2000000008 551.615 833.924 385.54 999.9244.3029 629.7
CL - Transport equipment0000000043.557. 892.40.7000.942.4156.90000000000000000013 264.835 592.448 857.26 129.82 380.7057 367.7
CM - Furniture; other manufactured goods; repair and installation services of machinery and equipment000.2054.2025.70.7193.9662.6283.164.5368.533.98 230001 170318.2146.700000061.304.6626.8000000012 244.912 96225 206.95 441.91 435.6032 084.4
DD - Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning82.900051.748.8174.10000008.6014 113.576.609.71.10000006.4000000000014 573.43 028.417 601.804 555.7-2 892.519 265
EE - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation services004. 967.400.6000000038.2000117.70000100011 891.66 984.818 876.4460.9297-12319 511.3
FF - Constructions and construction works003.20401.10153.815.500159.6145.5080.177 135.146.540.100000012.200313.5000001.4077 976.62 61780 593.604 155.5084 749.1
GG - Wholesale and retail trade services; repair services of motor vehicles and motorcycles000003.512.30.30515.500054.700006 930.1258.90000003007.100000007 785.42 455.910 241.30780.1011 021.4
HH - Transportation and storage services1.4025.4228108.194.303013.30052.2104.62.515.39.517.3765.856 362.800.20470011.5006.987.40000.233.1057 818.817 131.674 950.40410.9-1 685.173 676.2
II - Accommodation and food services00000000000000000012.23.312 747.10000010.70000193.305.7151.9108.4013 232.61 013.514 246.101 108.7015 354.8
JA - Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting services7.100015.800.60004.206.700009.364.7005 758.20364.50085.900000012.218.2109.506 456.94 263.210 720.1775565.8012 060.9
JB - Telecommunications services00000000000000000120.52.7000.410 579.9000247.9000000000010 951.42 01112 962.401 266.9014 229.3
JC - Computer programming, consultancy and related services; information services3.52.346.76.442.633.987.270.752.261.3121.515.292.785.33196.344.6113.4536.5195.35.4144.1215.920 944.6789.421.6313.752.4106.3350.5462.1190.1136.429.526.940.9025 568.48 731.234 299.60853.2035 152.8
KK - Financial and insurance services0000000000000000005.40000051 959.3064.1000000000052 028.87 789.959 818.703 258.8063 077.5
LL - Real estate services0057.70000.3000.200000003.60206.633005.91 271.453 192.2110009681.9010286.6055 850.478.555 928.90133.8056 062.7
MA - Legal and accounting services; services of head offices; management consultancy services; architectural and engineering services; technical testing and analysis services071.8881.24.8118.41 478.7536.90232163.177.61235.7354.879.111.5146.6746.61 878.72.8010.20341447.6070 189.1300.4375.430.6000000078 607.623 156.6101 764.206 659.90108 424.1
MB - Scientific research and development services30.85.5113.831.116.330.2269.75 686.6132.1188.3278.3138.8206.1164.776.459.661.450.279830.70.480.4101.61 165.4511.10.31 412.33 40788.4521.41 187.24 624.6122.10.57.732.9021 631.97 766.629 398.500029 398.5
MC - Advertising and market research services; other professional, scientific and technical services; veterinary services0000.10012.40000003.43.2002.7126.400.873.7060.300254.811.78 207.9000000.9008 758.33 512.112 270.40313.6012 584
NN - Administrative and support services0094.515.68.40.990.1759182.3000170.85810.19.5619.7635.6743.742.587.40217.4252.80426.838739.736 657.300097.4235.8112.7041 9466 37848 32401 897.4050 221.4
OO - Public administration and defence services; compulsory social security services00000000000000000000000000000038 399.400000038 399.421.138 420.500038 420.5
PP - Education services0000000000000000000.400002.60036.812.80022530 235.800.1066.7030 580.266.130 646.30213.5030 859.8
QA - Human health services0000000000000000000000000000000034 720.311700034 837.38.234 845.500-4.534 841
QB - Social work services0000000000000000000000000000029.7173.402 170.214 385.900016 759.2016 759.200-46.616 712.6
RR - Arts, entertainment and recreation services000000000000000059.30000.10000000001 912.90005 338.26.107 316.6303.77 620.3111.3400.208 131.8
SS - Other services000000000060000000029.303.50064.60000000002110 093.7010 254.174711 001.10477.7011 478.8
TT - Services of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services produced by households for own use0000000000000000000000000000000000004574570457000457
Trade margins06.82 216.2148.15381 582.71 200.131.8926.835776.379.3557.9310.5454.5045.8713.369 643.376.813.1233.1134.1628.4080.31 04624.952.9560.308.80034.114081 795.2081 795.2-81 795.2000
Transport margins00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Total (domestic concept)11 159.9775.143 197.43 772.89 378.218 247.728 726.126 566.215 915.332 179.33 676.33 297.79 74814 3439 221.314 307.111 565.880 983.590 350.558 263.512 8816 603.711 031.523 843.255 231.653 308.274 303.34 196.29 030.639 106.843 582.335 254.537 14914 660.35 816.910 812457922 942.8345 043.81 267 986.6052 024.9-4 898.11 315 113.4
CIF/FOB-correction00000000000000000000000000000000000000-1 631.4-1 631.4000-1 631.4
Final consumption expenditure of resident households abroad000000000000000000000000000000000000009 666.99 666.90009 666.9
Final consumption expenditure of non resident households in Belgium00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Total (national concept)11 159.9775.143 197.43 772.89 378.218 247.728 726.126 566.215 915.332 179.33 676.33 297.79 74814 3439 221.314 307.111 565.880 983.590 350.558 263.512 8816 603.711 031.523 843.255 231.653 308.274 303.34 196.29 030.639 106.843 582.335 254.537 14914 660.35 816.910 812457922 942.8353 079.31 276 022.1052 024.9-4 898.11 323 148.9
Data extracted on 03 Dec 2024 21:25 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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