Price type and unit
Final consumption expenditure of households (national) (P.31 S.14)243 826228 198.2247 286.6282 474.6
(P301 064.8
Final consumption expenditure of residents abroad (P.33))16 544.911 825.213 066.117 444.4
(P20 294.8
Final consumption expenditure of non-residents in Belgium (P.34)7 971.85 855.45 664.97 105.9
(P7 345.2
Hide subtree Final consumption expenditure of households in Belgium (domestic) (P.31 S.14)235 252.9222 228.4239 885.4272 136.1
(P288 115.2
Final consumption expenditure of households in Belgium (domestic) (P.31 S.14)Hide subtree 01. Food and non-alcoholic beverages27 761.128 946.229 278.830 215.1
(P31 991.1
01. Food and non-alcoholic beverages01.1Food25 090.126 381.126 660.127 440.6
(P29 019.8
01.2 Non-alcoholic beverages2 6712 565.12 618.72 774.5
(P2 971.3
01.3 Services for processing primary goods for food and non-alcoholic beverages0000
Hide subtree 02. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics10 026.710 267.110 802.911 296.5
(P11 950.8
02. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics02.1 Alcoholic beverages3 758.23 970.34 0604 192
(P4 254.3
02.2 Alcohol production services0000
02.3 Tobacco5 1105 268.15 579.45 917.8
(P6 489.1
02.4 Narcotics1 158.51 028.71 163.51 186.7
(P1 207.4
Hide subtree 03. Clothing and footwear12 189.710 284.211 928.413 022.6
(P13 526.5
03. Clothing and footwear03.1 Clothing9 537.57 863.79 266.610 208.4
(P10 488.5
03.2 Footwear2 652.22 420.52 661.82 814.2
(P3 038
Hide subtree 04. Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels55 874.856 22460 429.470 312.7
(P70 812.7
04. Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels04.1 Actual rentals for housing14 108.614 30414 930.915 704.3
(P16 860.6
04.2 Imputed rentals for housing28 088.429 127.730 317.131 838.7
(P33 997.4
04.3 Goods and services for minor repairs and home security762.9817.9824.5869.7
04.4 Water supply and miscellaneous services relating to the dwelling2 575.52 6032 770.52 906.3
(P3 016.5
04.5 Electricity, gas and other fuels10 339.49 371.411 586.418 993.7
(P15 985.4
Hide subtree 05. Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the dwelling12 931.412 849.613 973.613 817.8
(P14 425.7
05. Furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the dwelling05.1 Furniture and furnishings, carpets and other floor coverings4 652.94 635.35 192.65 046
(P5 281.6
05.2 Household textiles845830.5892.6875.1
05.3 Household appliances1 954.52 094.32 284.82 238.5
(P2 323.1
05.4 Glassware, tableware and household utensils812.3835.9903.2875.2
05.5 Tools and equipment for house and garden928.4945.11 035.21 074.1
(P1 109.7
05.6 Goods and services for routine household maintenance3 738.33 508.53 665.23 708.9
(P3 878.7
Hide subtree 06. Health16 808.616 725.218 375.220 011
(P21 352.4
06. Health06.1 Medical products, appliances and equipment4 344.94 526.64 849.45 121.1
(P5 278.7
06.2 Out-patient services5 9125 522.16 202.46 852
(P7 433
06.3 Medical dental and paramedical services (in a hospital)5 915.25 8916 207.76 903.1
(P7 474.2
06.4 Other health services636.5785.51 115.71 134.8
(P1 166.5
Hide subtree 07. Transport27 858.324 474.625 412.927 998.9
(P29 981.5
07. Transport07.1 Purchase of vehicles7 177.86 513.85 865.85 600.2
(P6 750.2
07.2 Operation of personal transport equipment17 448.714 847.916 52418 776.9
(P19 408.8
07.3 Passenger transport services2 484.91 440.81 549.82 322.8
(P2 506
07.4 Transport services of goods746.91 672.11 473.31 299
(P1 316.5
Hide subtree 08. Communication8 496.38 653.78 841.59 085.4
(P9 380.2
08. Communication08.1 Information and communication equipment2 1842 033.52 123.22 188.7
(P2 212.8
08.2 Software excluding games128.1118.4138.8173.9
08.3 Information and communication services6 184.26 501.86 579.56 722.8
(P7 000.7
Hide subtree 09. Recreation, sport and culture16 255.113 472.915 219.317 930.4
(P19 391.8
09. Recreation, sport and culture09.1 Recreational durables558.9527.1621.8722.6
09.2 Other recreational goods1 821.41 586.41 706.61 731.5
(P2 024.9
09.3 Garden products and pets2 440.92 639.23 002.53 070.9
(P3 108.1
09.4 Recreational services4 126.33 426.73 964.64 785.7
(P5 159.5
09.5 Cultural goods374.6366.1352.2324.7
09.6 Cultural services1 971.41 316.71 557.42 279.1
(P2 670
09.7 Newspapers, books and stationery2 741.42 719.52 7942 831.5
(P2 949.9
09.8 Package holidays2 220.2891.21 220.22 184.4
(P2 359.7
10. Education878.4715800.9922.8
Hide subtree 11. Restaurants and accommodation services15 149.29 842.512 07116 834.1
(P18 596.5
11. Restaurants and accommodation services11.1 Restaurants and pubs13 724.49 256.611 32415 625.5
(P17 098.4
11.2 Hotels1 424.8585.97471 208.6
(P1 498.1
Hide subtree 12 Insurance and financial services16 413.516 40618 131.224 308.6
(P28 431
12 Insurance and financial services12.1 Insurance8 224.88 2198 728.59 100.5
(P9 333.9
12.2 Financial services8 188.78 1879 402.715 208.1
(P19 097.1
Hide subtree 13 Personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and services14 609.813 367.414 620.316 380.2
(P17 328.8
13 Personal care, social protection and miscellaneous goods and services13.1 Personal care4 642.83 843.24 414.44 912
(P5 304.7
13.2 Personal effects n.e.c.1 212.41 279.51 289.11 304.5
(P1 422
13.3 Social protection2 608.62 521.62 712.83 048.8
(P3 268.9
13.9 Other services n.e.c.6 1465 723.16 2047 114.9
(P7 333.2
Hide subtree Household actual final consumption (P.4)320 254.8305 438.8331 029.7374 059.8
(P398 807.2
Household actual final consumption (P.4)Final consumption expenditure of households (national) (P.31 S.14)243 826228 198.2247 286.6282 474.6
(P301 064.8
Hide subtree Individual consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) (P.31 S.15)4 999.64 840.85 343.76 044
(P6 580.2
Individual consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) (P.31 S.15)14.1 Housing0000
14.2 Health0000
14.3 Recreation and culture364315.5375.6420.1
14.4 Education414.3385440.8440.3
14.5 Social protection2 191.52 203.62 374.72 710.5
(P2 980.2
14.6 Other services2 029.81 936.72 152.62 473.1
(P2 658.1
Hide subtree Individual consumption expenditure of general government (P.31 S.13)71 429.272 399.878 399.485 541.2
(P91 162.2
Individual consumption expenditure of general government (P.31 S.13)15.1 Housing0000
15.2 Health31 38330 821.634 161.735 731.1
(P39 701.3
15.3 Recreation and culture1 963.91 935.82 012.62 247.2
(P2 387
15.4 Education26 999.127 875.728 987.931 915.3
(P34 269.5
15.5 Social protection11 083.211 766.713 237.215 647.6
(P14 804.4
Data extracted on 07 Feb 2025 15:01 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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