Institutional sector
Production account (I)Hide subtree Resources992 289.81 026 599.8970 069.61 108 452.9
(P1 268 342.9
ResourcesHide subtree Output (P.1)942 439.8975 269.9922 942.81 053 543.2
(P1 211 314.7
Output (P.1)Market output (P.11)815 485.3843 419.4787 842.7911 660.6
(P1 055 312.8
Output for own final use (P.12)43 365.845 330.946 729.749 312
(P53 683.5
Non-market output (P.13)83 588.786 519.688 370.492 570.6
(P102 318.4
Taxes less subsidies on products (D.21-D.31)49 85051 329.947 126.854 909.7
(P57 028.2
Hide subtree Uses992 289.81 026 599.8970 069.61 108 452.9
(P1 268 342.9
UsesIntermediate consumption (P.2)532 239547 923.6509 321.9600 523.3
(P714 298.6
Hide subtree Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)460 050.8478 676.2460 747.7507 929.6
(P554 044.3
Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Consumption of fixed capital (P.51c)86 147.389 668.292 387.897 850
(P108 673.9
Added value (net) / Net domestic product (B.1n)373 903.5389 008368 359.9410 079.6
(P445 370.4
Distribution and use of income accounts (II)Primary distribution of income accounts (II.1)Generation of income account (II.1.1)Hide subtree Resources460 050.8478 676.2460 747.7507 929.6
(P554 044.3
ResourcesAdded value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)460 050.8478 676.2460 747.7507 929.6
(P554 044.3
Hide subtree Uses460 050.8478 676.2460 747.7507 929.6
(P554 044.3
UsesHide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)226 486.8234 631.9230 313.9244 418.6
(P267 744.6
Compensation of employees (D.1)Wages and salaries (D.11)168 556.3174 957.5170 838182 291.2
(P200 248.7
Hide subtree Employers' social contributions (D.12)57 930.559 674.459 475.962 127.4
(P67 495.8
Employers' social contributions (D.12)Hide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)45 408.346 854.646 233.648 595.7
(P53 092.6
Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)Paid to the general government36 585.137 902.137 349.439 404.1
(P43 102.4
Paid to the other sectors8 823.28 952.58 884.29 191.6
(P9 990.2
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.122)12 522.212 819.813 242.313 531.7
(P14 403.2
Hide subtree Taxes on production and imports (D.2)63 937.466 278.262 106.769 800.4
(P72 844.4
Taxes on production and imports (D.2)Taxes on products (D.21)54 268.855 915.352 024.959 388.5
(P61 188.6
Other taxes on production (D.29)9 668.610 362.910 081.810 411.9
(P11 655.8
Hide subtree Subsidies (D.3)-17 593.4-18 573.1-23 438.7-22 770.6
(P-21 764.4
Subsidies (D.3)Subsidies on products (D.31)-4 418.8-4 585.4-4 898.1-4 478.8
(P-4 160.4
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-13 174.6-13 987.7-18 540.6-18 291.8
(P-17 604
Gross operating surplus (B.2g)155 537.4163 765.9161 344.3183 217
(P200 003.3
Gross mixed income (B.3g)31 682.632 573.330 421.533 264.2
(P35 216.4
Allocation of primary income account (II.1.2)Hide subtree Resources578 157.4607 624.1562 225.1625 381
(P713 941.6
ResourcesGross operating surplus (B.2g)155 537.4163 765.9161 344.3183 217
(P200 003.3
Gross mixed income (B.3g)31 682.632 573.330 421.533 264.2
(P35 216.4
Hide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)233 605242 126.4238 046.2252 212.5
(P275 746.1
Compensation of employees (D.1)Wages and salaries (D.11)174 702.1181 429.4177 542.4189 076.7
(P207 219.3
Hide subtree  Employers' social contributions (D.12)58 902.960 69760 503.863 135.8
(P68 526.7
Employers' social contributions (D.12) Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)45 588.447 03646 453.448 802.8
(P53 284.9
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.122)13 314.513 66114 050.414 333
(P15 241.8
Hide subtree Taxes on production and imports (D.2)62 020.264 277.260 26167 849.4
(P70 084
Taxes on production and imports (D.2)Hide subtree Taxes on products (D.21)52 636.454 184.450 480.457 784.4
(P58 875.8
Taxes on products (D.21)Value-added-type taxes (VAT) (D.211)31 545.132 181.329 761.234 783.3
(P36 399.7
Hide subtree Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT (D.212)1 219.71 231.11 272.71 239.8
(P1 591.5
Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT (D.212)Import duties (D.2121)0000
Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and import duties (D.2122)1 219.71 231.11 272.71 239.8
(P1 591.5
Taxes on products, except VAT and import taxes (D.214)19 871.620 77219 446.521 761.3
(P20 884.6
Other taxes on production (D.29)9 383.810 092.89 780.610 065
(P11 208.2
Hide subtree Subsidies (D.3)-16 909-17 928.4-22 789.9-22 116.7
(P-21 073.6
Subsidies (D.3)Hide subtree Subsidies on products (D.31)-4 247.2-4 441.8-4 751.7-4 408.3
(P-4 072.8
Subsidies on products (D.31)Import subsidies (D.311)0000
Other subsidies on products (D.319)-4 247.2-4 441.8-4 751.7-4 408.3
(P-4 072.8
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-12 661.8-13 486.6-18 038.2-17 708.4
(P-17 000.8
Hide subtree Property income (D.4)112 221.2122 809.794 942110 954.6
(P153 965.4
Property income (D.4)Hide subtree Interest (D.41)27 776.124 624.821 01518 600.2
(P44 044.8
Interest (D.41)Total interest before allocation of FISIM (D.41g)43 888.141 854.936 540.633 572.8
(P43 008
Hide subtree Distributed income of corporations (D.42)56 281.981 575.258 036.965 644
(P78 924.9
Distributed income of corporations (D.42)Dividends (D.421)56 269.281 553.658 018.665 627.5
(P78 915
Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations (D.422)12.721.618.316.5
Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment (D.43)14 750.23 1233 443.913 293.5
(P16 079.9
Hide subtree Other investment income (D.44)12 006.411 930.310 889.311 796.3
(P13 103.1
Other investment income (D.44)Investment income attibutable to insurance policy holders (D.441)5 526.65 255.44 882.84 844.7
(P5 153.2
Investment income payable on pension entitlements (D.442)2 126.22 126.12 040.41 994.3
(P2 281.1
Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (D.443)4 353.64 548.83 966.14 957.3
(P5 668.8
Rents (D.45)1 406.61 556.41 556.91 620.6
(P1 812.7
Hide subtree Uses578 157.4607 624.1562 225.1625 381
(P713 941.6
UsesHide subtree Property income (D.4)114 034.8124 317.596 743.2112 044.7
(P151 338.1
Property income (D.4)Hide subtree Interest (D.41)27 992.825 741.523 509.922 200.6
(P43 644.3
Interest (D.41) Total interest before allocation of FISIM (D.41g)41 560.640 425.236 622.934 605.3
(P40 619.3
Hide subtree Distributed income of corporations (D.42)63 249.186 29657 601.560 687.9
(P82 316.2
Distributed income of corporations (D.42)Dividends (D.421)63 236.486 274.457 583.260 671.4
(P82 306.3
Withdrawals from income of quasicorporations (D.422)12.721.618.316.5
Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment (D.43)12 1731 599.16 032.819 035.2
(P14 141
Hide subtree Other investment income (D.44)9 213.39 124.58 042.18 500.4
(P9 423.9
Other investment income (D.44)Investment income attibutable to insurance policy holders (D.441)4 827.14 681.64 286.94 155.7
(P4 414.6
Investment income payable on pension entitlements (D.442)2 166.62 165.92 076.82 037.4
(P2 345.8
Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (D.443)2 219.62 2771 678.42 307.3
(P2 663.5
Rents (D.45)1 406.61 556.41 556.91 620.6
(P1 812.7
Gross balance of primary incomes / Gross national income (B.5g)464 122.6483 306.6465 481.9513 336.3
(P562 603.5
Entrepreneurial income accounts (II.1.2.1)Gross entrepreneurial income (B.4g)239 147260 867.6234 431.6271 796.1
(P305 931.1
Secondary distribution of income account (II.2)Hide subtree Resources843 148.8873 291.5881 745943 744
(P1 026 510.4
ResourcesGross balance of primary incomes / Gross national income (B.5g)464 122.6483 306.6465 481.9513 336.3
(P562 603.5
Hide subtree Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)77 189.774 927.472 246.979 497.4
(P91 095
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)Taxes on income (D.51)75 048.572 772.970 303.577 134
(P88 632.3
Other current taxes (D.59)2 141.22 154.51 943.42 363.4
(P2 462.7
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)173 368.7178 622.5190 063.5193 752.8
(P206 656.3
Social contributions and benefits (D.6)Hide subtree Net social contributions (D.61)84 946.787 327.186 811.890 567.6
(P98 285.8
Net social contributions (D.61)Hide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)45 747.647 109.546 654.448 990
(P53 443.5
Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)Hide subtree Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.611C)44 574.245 878.345 422.347 681.8
(P52 054.4
Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.611C)For general government8 497.88 825.29 091.59 421.8
(P9 994.2
For other sectors36 076.437 053.136 330.838 260
(P42 060.2
Hide subtree Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.611V)1 173.41 231.21 232.11 308.2
(P1 389.1
Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.611V)For general government0000
For other sectors1 173.41 231.21 232.11 308.2
(P1 389.1
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)12 522.212 819.813 242.313 531.9
(P14 403.4
Hide subtree Households' actual social contributions (D.613)25 869.226 720.926 327.627 550.3
(P29 833.4
Households' actual social contributions (D.613)Hide subtree Employees' actual social contributions (D.613E)19 691.820 418.820 15721 157.4
(P23 030.7
Employees' actual social contributions (D.613E)Compulsory employees' social contributions (D.613EC)19 68420 408.620 142.821 140.9
(P23 024.8
Voluntary employees' social contributions (D.613EV)7.810.214.216.5
Hide subtree Actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613S)4 2384 327.14 087.84 433.2
(P4 596.3
Actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613S)Compulsory actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613SC)4 2384 327.14 087.84 433.2
(P4 596.3
Voluntary actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613SV)0000
Hide subtree Actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613N)1 939.41 9752 082.81 959.7
(P2 206.4
Actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613N)Compulsory actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613NC)1 8641 902.92 016.31 894.5
(P2 141.2
Voluntary actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613NV)75.472.166.565.2
Households' social contributions supplements (D.614)2 416.32 397.22 283.92 257.9
(P2 624.1
Social insurance scheme service charge (D.61SC)-1 608.6-1 720.3-1 696.4-1 762.5
(P-2 018.6
Social insurance scheme service charge (D.61SC)-1 542.5-1 664.5-1 602.8-1 670.3
(P-1 947.4
Hide subtree Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)88 42291 295.4103 251.7103 185.2
(P108 370.5
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)Social security benefits in cash (D.621)54 404.456 046.958 623.360 634.2
(P66 215.3
Hide subtree Other social insurance benefits (D.622)21 38021 807.222 547.623 781.9
(P25 596
Other social insurance benefits (D.622)Benefits from pension funds and other social insurance7 684.47 752.88 0218 767.1
(P9 639
Other social insurance benefits from employers13 695.614 054.414 526.615 014.8
(P15 957
Social assistance benefits in cash (D.623)12 637.613 441.322 080.818 769.1
(P16 559.2
Hide subtree Other current transfers (D.7)128 467.8136 435153 952.7157 157.5
(P166 155.6
Other current transfers (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)7 703.89 517.311 007.211 289.9
(P12 127.3
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)8 268.810 065.59 694.710 261
(P13 771.5
Hide subtree Current transfers within general government (D.73)100 014.8103 904.8116 593.1120 077.6
(P122 812
Current transfers within general government (D.73)Current transfers of fiscal receipts46 267.648 017.346 584.353 207.1
(P56 059.7
Other current transfers between subsectors of the general government53 747.255 887.570 008.866 870.5
(P66 752.3
Hide subtree Current international cooperation (D.74)549.1614.8603.1700.7
Current international cooperation (D.74)Of the Member States of the European Union118121.3123.966
Of the institutions and bodies of the European Union417.3482.3472.6620.4
Of non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU13.811.26.614.3
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)11 931.312 332.616 054.614 828.3
(P16 534.2
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)Of the general government3 8194 087.37 426.95 929
(P6 335.6
Of the other sectors8 112.38 245.38 627.78 899.3
(P10 198.6
Hide subtree Uses843 148.8873 291.5881 745943 744
(P1 026 510.4
UsesHide subtree Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)77 121.374 873.272 130.579 404.7
(P91 068.7
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)Taxes on income (D.51)74 980.172 718.770 187.177 041.3
(P88 606
Other current taxes (D.59)2 141.22 154.51 943.42 363.4
(P2 462.7
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)174 247.2179 452.9190 693.3194 262.3
(P207 289
Social contributions and benefits (D.6)Hide subtree Net social contributions (D.61)86 542.189 081.688 478.492 223.9
(P99 967.2
Net social contributions (D.61)Hide subtree Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)45 588.447 03646 453.448 802.6
(P53 284.7
Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)Compulsory employers' actual social contributions (D.611C)44 41545 804.845 221.347 494.4
(P51 895.6
Voluntary employers' actual social contributions (D.611V)1 173.41 231.21 232.11 308.2
(P1 389.1
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)13 314.513 66114 050.414 333.2
(P15 242
Hide subtree Households' actual social contributions (D.613)26 805.927 691.827 329.928 543.6
(P30 828.5
Households' actual social contributions (D.613)Hide subtree Employees' actual social contributions (D.613E)20 628.521 389.721 159.322 150.7
(P24 025.8
Employees' actual social contributions (D.613E)Compulsory employees' social contributions (D.613EC)20 620.721 379.521 145.122 134.2
(P24 019.9
Voluntary employees' social contributions (D.613EV)7.810.214.216.5
Hide subtree Actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613S)4 2384 327.14 087.84 433.2
(P4 596.3
Actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613S)Compulsory actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613SC)4 2384 327.14 087.84 433.2
(P4 596.3
Voluntary actual social contributions by the self-employed (D.613SV)0000
Hide subtree Actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613N)1 939.41 9752 082.81 959.7
(P2 206.4
Actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613N)Compulsory actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613NC)1 8641 902.92 016.31 894.5
(P2 141.2
Voluntary actual social contributions by the non-employed (D.613NV)75.472.166.565.2
Households' social contributions supplements (D.614)2 375.82 357.32 247.52 214.8
(P2 559.4
Hide subtree Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)87 705.190 371.3102 214.9102 038.4
(P107 321.8
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)Social security benefits in cash (D.621)54 603.556 209.858 71260 758.9
(P66 508.1
Hide subtree Other social insurance benefits (D.622)20 46420 720.221 422.122 510.4
(P24 254.5
Other social insurance benefits (D.622)Benefits from pension funds and other social insurance7 928.47 881.78 160.98 960.9
(P9 832.8
Other social insurance benefits from employers12 535.612 838.513 261.213 549.5
(P14 421.7
Social assistance benefits in cash (D.623)12 637.613 441.322 080.818 769.1
(P16 559.2
Hide subtree Other current transfers (D.7)134 327.6142 744.1160 635.2164 346.9
(P170 538.9
Other current transfers (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)9 60511 303.411 652.512 174.8
(P12 232.1
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)7 659.69 561.410 248.410 091.1
(P13 274.7
Hide subtree Current transfers within general government (D.73)100 014.8103 904.8116 593.1120 077.6
(P122 812
Current transfers within general government (D.73)Current transfers of fiscal receipts46 267.648 017.346 584.353 207.1
(P56 059.7
Other current transfers between subsectors of the general government53 747.255 887.570 008.866 870.5
(P66 752.3
Hide subtree Current international cooperation (D.74)932.61 040.31 1231 226.6
(P1 332
Current international cooperation (D.74)To the Member States of the European Union21.853.78066.9
To the institutions and bodies of the European Union173.3174.2161.2147.3
To non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU737.5812.4881.81 012.4
(P1 134.4
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)12 269.713 068.616 36015 485.7
(P16 147.5
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)To the general government2 237.52 231.12 433.72 491.2
(P2 865.5
To the other sectors10 032.210 837.513 926.312 994.5
(P13 282
VAT- and GNI-based EU own resources (D.76)3 845.93 865.64 658.25 291.1
(P4 740.6
Gross disposable income (B.6g)457 452.7476 221.3458 286505 730.1
(P557 613.8
Redistribution of income in kind account (II.3)Hide subtree Resources531 697.4553 336.8536 122.5590 560
(P649 704
ResourcesGross disposable income (B.6g)457 452.7476 221.3458 286505 730.1
(P557 613.8
Hide subtree Social transfers in kind (D.63)74 244.777 115.577 836.584 829.9
(P92 090.2
Social transfers in kind (D.63)Social transfers in kind - non-market production (D.631)38 680.940 065.441 235.343 736.5
(P47 232.2
Social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.632)35 563.837 050.136 601.241 093.4
(P44 858
Hide subtree Uses531 697.4553 336.8536 122.5590 560
(P649 704
UsesHide subtree Social transfers in kind (D.63)74 244.777 115.577 836.584 829.9
(P92 090.2
Social transfers in kind (D.63)Social transfers in kind - non-market production (D.631)38 680.940 065.441 235.343 736.5
(P47 232.2
Social transfers in kind - purchased market production (D.632)35 563.837 050.136 601.241 093.4
(P44 858
Adjusted gross disposable income (B.7g)457 452.7476 221.3458 286505 730.1
(P557 613.8
Use of income account (II.4)Use of disposable income account (II.4.1)Hide subtree Resources460 627.7479 529.4461 058.6508 119.1
(P560 243.3
ResourcesGross disposable income (B.6g)457 452.7476 221.3458 286505 730.1
(P557 613.8
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements (D.8)3 1753 308.12 772.62 389
(P2 629.5
Hide subtree Uses460 627.7479 529.4461 058.6508 119.1
(P560 243.3
UsesHide subtree Final consumption expenditure (P.3)344 668355 957.4339 917.4368 270.5
(P412 714.7
Final consumption expenditure (P.3)Individual consumption expenditure (P.31)307 631.7317 733.8300 324.4327 337.9
(P366 942.7
Collective consumption expenditure (P.32)37 036.338 223.639 59340 932.6
(P45 772
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements (D.8)3 244.73 418.22 996.22 540.3
(P2 780
Gross saving (B.8g)112 715120 153.8118 145137 308.3
(P144 748.6
Use of adjusted disposable income account (II.4.2)Hide subtree Resources460 627.7479 529.4461 058.6508 119.1
(P560 243.3
ResourcesAdjusted gross disposable income (B.7g)457 452.7476 221.3458 286505 730.1
(P557 613.8
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements (D.8)3 1753 308.12 772.62 389
(P2 629.5
Hide subtree Uses460 627.7479 529.4461 058.6508 119.1
(P560 243.3
UsesHide subtree Actual final consumption (P.4)344 668355 957.4339 917.4368 270.5
(P412 714.7
Actual final consumption (P.4)Actual individual consumption (P.41)307 631.7317 733.8300 324.4327 337.9
(P366 942.7
Actual collective consumption (P.42)37 036.338 223.639 59340 932.6
(P45 772
Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements (D.8)3 244.73 418.22 996.22 540.3
(P2 780
Gross saving (B.8g)112 715120 153.8118 145137 308.3
(P144 748.6
Accumulation accounts (III)Capital account (III.1)Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accounts (III.1.1)Hide subtree Changes in liabilities and net worth26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Changes in liabilities and net worthNet saving (B.8n)26 567.730 485.625 757.239 458.3
(P36 074.7
Hide subtree Capital transfers, received (D.9r)9 603.57 661.27 318.412 562
(P10 775.4
Capital transfers, received (D.9r)Capital taxes, received (D.91r)3 7723 391.13 287.64 079
(P3 902.4
Hide subtree Investment grants, received (D.92r)3 677.13 888.33 981.75 028.4
(P5 750.5
Investment grants, received (D.92r)Of the general government3 3143 363.73 585.84 133.7
(P4 257.3
Hide subtree Of the rest of the world363.1524.6395.9894.7
(P1 493.2
Of the rest of the worldOf the Member States of the European Union0000
Of the institutions and bodies of the European Union363.1524.6395.9894.7
(P1 493.2
Of non-member countries and international organisations non-resident in the EU0000
Hide subtree Other capital transfers, received (D.99r)2 154.4381.849.13 454.6
(P1 122.5
Other capital transfers, received (D.99r)Of the general government2 295.3489.2621.21 580.8
Of the other sectors-140.9-107.4-572.11 873.8
Hide subtree Capital transfers, paid (D.9p)-9 625.9-7 517.6-7 388.1-11 669.1
(P-9 764.6
Capital transfers, paid (D.9p)Capital taxes, paid (D.91p)-3 772-3 391.1-3 287.6-4 079
(P-3 902.4
Hide subtree Investment grants, paid (D.92p)-3 597.5-3 622.9-3 852-4 332.9
(P-4 500.6
Investment grants, paid (D.92p)To the general government-828.2-779.9-737.7-860.7
(P-1 046.3
To the other sectors-2 769.3-2 843-3 114.3-3 472.2
(P-3 454.3
Hide subtree Other capital transfers, paid (D.99p)-2 256.4-503.6-248.5-3 257.2
(P-1 361.6
Other capital transfers, paid (D.99p)To the general government-1 352.5395.264257.7
To the other sectors-903.9-898.8-890.5-3 314.9
(P-1 183.5
Hide subtree Changes in assets26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Changes in assetsChanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Acquisitions of non-financial assets account (III.1.2)Hide subtree Changes in liabilities26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Changes in liabilitiesChanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Hide subtree Changes in assets26 545.330 629.225 687.540 351.2
(P37 085.5
Changes in assetsGross capital formation (P.5g)116 926.4119 712111 616.2130 697.9
(P150 355.9
Net capital formation (P.5n)30 779.130 043.819 228.432 847.9
(P41 682
Hide subtree Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)108 676.3116 239.1110 943.3121 509.3
(P132 415.6
Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)Hide subtree Acquisitions less disposals offixed assets (P.511)108 676.3116 239.1110 943.3121 509.3
(P132 415.6
Acquisitions less disposals offixed assets (P.511)Acquisitions of new fixed assets (P.5111)120 342.4126 653.5122 323.9132 984.2
(P145 533.5
Acquisitions of existing fixed assets (P.5112)1 430.71 513.31 600.51 796.1
(P1 326.7
Disposals of existing fixed assets (P.5113)-13 096.8-11 927.7-12 981.1-13 271
(P-14 444.6
Hide subtree Acquisitions les disposals of tangible fixed assets87 999.993 574.787 540.796 170.4
(P104 693.3
Acquisitions les disposals of tangible fixed assetsAcquisitions of new tangible fixed assets99 666103 989.198 921.3107 645.3
(P117 811.2
Acquisitions of existing tangible fixed assets1 430.71 513.31 600.51 796.1
(P1 326.7
Disposal of existing tangible fixed assets-13 096.8-11 927.7-12 981.1-13 271
(P-14 444.6
Acquisitions les disposals of intangible fixed assets20 676.422 664.423 402.625 338.9
(P27 722.3
Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets (P.512)0000
Consumption of fixed capital (P.51c)-86 147.3-89 668.2-92 387.8-97 850
(P-108 673.9
Changes in inventories (P.52)8 237.83 392.9532.69 028.9
(P17 770.9
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)12.380140.3159.7
Hide subtree Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)-376-53817450
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)Acquisitions less disposals of natural resources (NP.1)0000
Acquisitions less disposals of contracts, leases and licenses (NP.2)-376-53817450
Acquisitions less disposals of goodwill and marketing assets (NP.3)0000
Net lending / net borrowing (B.9)-3 857.81 123.46 285.17 453.3
(P-4 680.5
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 01:31 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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