AccountInformation on item
Institutional sector
Financial instrument
Financial wealth-360 372-396 329-391 579-390 161-388 708-446 467-426 593-428 480-438 892
Hide subtree Financial assets1 710 5651 718 3421 747 5061 702 3911 695 9951 679 5521 688 4661 681 0001 668 237
Financial assetsHide subtree Currency and deposits181 537182 980180 480181 097174 068180 347187 544183 498180 088
Currency and depositsCurrency and sight deposits101 46699 30792 95887 91983 64581 76082 45583 53280 646
Other depositsOther deposits at up to one year78 66182 27286 00291 55788 53096 591103 06197 96597 375
Deposits at over one year1 4101 4011 5201 6211 8931 9952 0272 0012 066
Hide subtree Debt securities5 8055 9766 8067 8168 82910 0509 9149 1279 980
Debt securitiesShort-term debt securities1 7391 6422 0332 0802 3742 3282 7822 0872 424
Long-term debt securities4 0664 3344 7735 7366 4567 7237 1327 0417 556
Loans405 226397 632405 965402 263399 514370 797367 489388 174382 784
Shares and other equityHide subtree Shares and other equity, except in investment funds846 134847 348863 522835 745841 330831 339832 304820 551820 604
Shares and other equity, except in investment fundsListed shares34 72538 19238 37735 26433 73938 47939 14338 94539 272
Unlisted shares and other equity811 409809 156825 145800 482807 591792 859793 161781 606781 333
Investment fund shares or units20 18220 73422 20522 99623 21527 74229 19529 77831 343
Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes6 4536 0836 7546 5466 6026 5197 0127 2007 525
Trade credit and advances219 069225 511227 108211 260207 376211 592207 639210 297203 349
Other financial assetsInformation on item26 15932 07834 66534 66935 06141 16647 36932 37632 564
Hide subtree Financial liabilities2 070 9372 114 6702 139 0852 092 5522 084 7022 126 0192 115 0592 109 4802 107 129
Financial liabilitiesHide subtree Short-term debt securities2 2662 7592 5492 7923 0113 0162 7452 7232 855
Short-term debt securitiesof which intrasectoral debt securities289251308327379325317311356
Hide subtree Long-term debt securities45 06043 99145 32145 39845 97747 34252 65352 37452 480
Long-term debt securitiesof which intrasectoral debt securities253219259278279380291287296
Hide subtree Short-term loans234 226229 411230 320226 576224 622222 190218 068215 382209 329
Short-term loansof which bank loansInformation on item75 66072 36073 42272 50170 96467 80766 52169 04366 598
Hide subtree of which intra-group loansInformation on item126 962124 803126 945125 097124 943124 940122 417118 136114 751
of which intra-group loansof which intrasectoral loans63 90774 86981 48082 28982 45482 13780 72080 91678 865
Hide subtree Long-term loans461 158464 626469 488472 812472 915476 301476 133473 260472 351
Long-term loansof which bank loansInformation on item144 397146 431147 089148 673149 097150 949151 590153 130153 106
Hide subtree of which intra-group loansInformation on item261 317261 865265 530266 717266 626266 605266 388263 585263 356
of which intra-group loansof which intrasectoral loans83 08281 02689 32589 78490 75590 37393 14495 27197 897
Listed shares193 995221 830234 947210 778207 848227 009226 775223 450239 870
Unlisted shares and other equity879 735889 424901 732895 796901 754915 420920 206914 666917 874
Other financial liabilitiesInformation on item254 497262 628254 728238 400228 576234 741218 479227 625212 371
Data extracted on 07 Feb 2025 13:54 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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