Debt by SectorInstrument
General GovernmentHide subtree Total319 149.4301 504321 196.7335 187
Hide subtree Short-Term39 429.327 821.422 407.521 649
 Currency and deposits
 Debt securities37 835.725 40920 514.520 528
 Trade credit and advances163.6163.1163.1169
 Other debt liabilities808.61 6041 087.4456
Hide subtree Long-term279 720.1273 682.6298 789.2313 538
 Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
 Currency and deposits
 Debt securities251 426.8245 197.6270 287285 060
 Loans28 293.328 48528 502.228 478
 Trade credit and advances
 Other debt liabilities
Central BankHide subtree Total32 423.230 598.529 728.729 918
Hide subtree Short-Term19 604.417 614.417 003.117 090
 Currency and deposits19 604.417 614.417 003.117 090
 Debt securities
 Trade credit and advances
 Other debt liabilities
Hide subtree Long-term12 818.812 984.112 725.612 828
 Special Drawing Rights (SDR)12 818.812 984.112 725.612 828
 Currency and deposits
 Debt securities
 Trade credit and advances
 Other debt liabilities
Deposit-taking Corporations, except the Central BankHide subtree Total487 219.1513 413.5496 323.2568 229
Hide subtree Short-Term395 752.9420 537.7394 283.4460 969
 Currency and deposits353 983.6373 031.1343 141.6406 920
 Debt securities37 908.242 408.246 693.751 355
 Trade credit and advances
 Other debt liabilities3 861.15 098.44 448.12 694
Hide subtree Long-term91 466.292 875.8102 039.8107 260
 Currency and deposits46 796.745 450.448 654.250 063
 Debt securities40 507.842 815.249 349.354 785
 Trade credit and advances
 Other debt liabilities4 161.74 610.24 036.32 397
Other SectorsHide subtree Total200 123.4205 157.4198 900.5218 583
Hide subtree Short-Term101 009.6104 161.698 217.5110 886
 Currency and deposits
 Debt securities5 706.14 603.24 503.74 241
 Loans42 890.743 627.940 36838 311
 Trade credit and advances24 654.728 172.125 586.940 457
 Other debt liabilities27 758.127 758.427 758.927 810
Hide subtree Long-term99 113.8100 995.8100 683107 697
 Currency and deposits
 Debt securities68 889.470 238.869 696.477 580
 Loans29 32129 794.929 575.430 117
 Trade credit and advances903.2961.91 4110
 Other debt liabilities0.20.20.20
Direct Investment - intercompany lendingHide subtree Total346 771.1348 628.7338 537.3305 450
 Debt liabilities of direct investment enterprises to direct investors87 489.981 889.584 531.381 639
 Debt liabilities of direct investors to direct investment enterprises17 334.714 834.715 796.817 972
 Debt liabilities to fellow enterprises241 946.5251 904.5238 209.2205 839
Gross external debtTotal1 385 686.21 399 302.11 384 686.41 457 367
Data extracted on 26 Jul 2024 13:19 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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