Type of service
Hide subtree Services-2 250-1 351-6 901-6 385
ServicesManufacturing services on inputs owned by others-5411972042 156
Maintenance and repair -214-266-267-348
Hide subtree Transportation1 008772392 497
TransportationSea transport826-2775362 087
Air transport351685446303
Space transport0
Rail transport184282345334
Road transport-1 581-1 941-2 691-2 272
Inland waterway transport-111-32-124-91
Pipeline transport
Electricity transmission
Other supporting and auxiliary transport services473606338102
Postal and courier services587616412723
Hide subtree Travel-6 226-7 519-11 234-13 139
TravelBusiness travel-1 265-875-1 159-945
Personal travel-4 961-6 644-10 075-12 195
Hide subtree Construction-203259544470
ConstructionConstruction abroad1 1341 3221 7901 630
Construction in Belgium-1 337-1 064-1 246-1 160
Hide subtree Insurance and pension services-211-369-98-301
Insurance and pension servicesDirect insurance3745139461 112
Reinsurance-757-942-1 096-1 211
Auxiliary insurance services77-32-20-283
Pension and standardized guarantee services94927281
Hide subtree Financial services699829492256
Financial servicesExplicitly charged and other financial services-1 262-1 250-1 267-1 652
Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)1 9612 0791 7591 908
Charges for the use of intellectual property 391590-1-222
Hide subtree Telecommunications, computer and information services7128923581 190
Telecommunications, computer and information servicesTelecommunications services565583433657
Computer services12539844238
Information services22-89-119294
Hide subtree Other business services-351 615621-633
Other business servicesResearch and development services413697-501-674
Hide subtree Professional and management consulting services2891 3861 323783
Professional and management consulting servicesLegal, accounting, management consulting and public relations services1 8412 4292 2671 257
Advertising, market research and public opinion polling services-1 552-1 043-944-474
Hide subtree Technical, trade-related and other business services-737-468-201-742
Technical, trade-related and other business servicesArchitectural, engineering, scientific and other technical services-362-177-94265
Waste treatment and de-pollution, agricultural and mining services-66-171-192-305
Operating leasing services-51-31-67-241
Trade-related services-254-41129-25
Other business services not included elsewhere-4-4724-435
Hide subtree Personal, cultural and recreational services195220236169
Personal, cultural and recreational servicesAudiovisual and related services-71-81-32-119
Hide subtree Other personal, cultural and recreational services265301267288
Other personal, cultural and recreational servicesHealth services34
Education services6076
Heritage and recreational services16487865
Other personal services186173151187
Hide subtree Government goods and services not included elsewhere2 3282 1052 2312 058
Government goods and services not included elsewhereEmbassies and consulates132140111109
Military units and agencies161165174167
Other government goods and services2 0361 8011 9461 782
Services not allocated-15020-226-538
Data extracted on 03 Dec 2024 18:06 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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