Amount of the financial transactions (in millions of euro)Hide subtree Company formations1 1311511 2014311 290170309170129172880105428
Company formationsContributions in cash20767811336367977155717894780
Contributions in kind764701 085901 206591548563857553273
Amount to be paid up160133520821455815101516575
Hide subtree Capital increases6 9083 7097 7281 3632 6336995 2494 0884691 4151 4621 5505 038
Capital increasesContributions in cash2 5035908275841 0163001 3212 0282224806545751 652
Contributions in kind1 7602 1306 5201881 3387779683280352180184896
Amount to be paid up37226134251533291720234518050330
Conversions of equity292529138554136140262613171
Conversions of debts481182187150521961 071544119226613041 379
Issue premiums1 50025359153119891 00846944286360424609
Hide subtree Capital reductions8 4511 0723841 0468746498711 2632211 2714 4492 0132 470
Capital reductionsRepayments to shareholders5 980208125397456266363760711703 997215540
Incorporation of lossesInformation on item74283106120522061301068173128312815
OtherInformation on item1 7297811535303661763783971439293241 4871 114
Number of companies (in units)Company formations4 7683 4053 1723 3673 1942 7993 0442 9622 0253 0373 7462 6802 789
Capital increases720174147213166167290189103195169195523
Capital reductions2 3753213361 1183494508813992866763634351 731
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 03:20 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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