Amount of the financial transactions (in millions of euro)Hide subtree Company formations4693 222426625331913088852241 0092941803 279
Company formationsContributions in cash1681121661911293283814113329759058
Contributions in kind922 889189220114261713353324183593 215
Amount to be paid up20922171215883354385835736316
Hide subtree Capital increases1 7042 7128276 0906 4361 3971 9651 5081 6657 4082 7514634 011
Capital increasesContributions in cash6821 0183761 3632 5097239107006472 182176256684
Contributions in kind4301 338779101 6531544721811841 53896329476
Amount to be paid up2511278491720234518050808163204
Conversions of equity385546126602626133421656513
Conversions of debts150521961 2791 364191226613471 6852680391
Issue premiums153121891 0086433262863604248511 553391 744
Hide subtree Capital reductions6 6198776492 2051 3182221 3554 6712 0453 8841 3625481 257
Capital reductionsRepayments to shareholders397456266764760711704 2202251 21799286311
Incorporation of lossesInformation on item1205520653515981731283128511370112
OtherInformation on item6 1033661769064001431 0133241 5081 8161 250191834
Number of companies (in units)Company formations3 5922 8892 6603 2062 7631 2303 1833 3873 0334 5713 1492 9163 435
Capital increases21816817029620410919817520158492127200
Capital reductions1 1203504528914112926853754581 9342432701 050
Data extracted on 07 Feb 2025 13:37 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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