ItemCredit type
Number of contracts at end of half-year (thousands)Information on itemHide subtree Total consumer credit7 2467 0726 9457 0356 848
 Installment loanInformation on item1 8931 8521 8241 8691 883
 Installment sale196188186175165
 Revolving credit5 1575 0324 8354 9904 800
Outstanding amount of credit at end of half-year (millions of euro)Information on itemHide subtree Total consumer credit26 71726 72927 48127 70427 955
 Installment loanInformation on item21 45921 27321 67421 84822 845
 Installment sale726680732599583
 Revolving credit4 5324 7765 0755 2584 527
Credit granted during the half-year (millions of euro)Hide subtree Total consumer credit5 8195 1246 0445 8245 980
 Installment loanInformation on item4 6373 8904 7554 5525 094
 Installment sale15596125107119
 Revolving credit1 0271 1381 1641 164767
Data extracted on 06 Nov 2024 05:22 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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