Sector and loan type
Observed results in:
Change in credit standardsHide subtree Total evolution12.5012.512.512.5012.5250
Total evolutionShort-term loans00012.5250012.50
Long-term loans25012.512.525012.5250
Influence of cost of funds and balance sheet constraintsCosts related to your bank's capital positionInformation on item25025-12.5-12.50000
Your bank's ability to access market financing (e.g. money or bond market financing, incl. true-sale securitisation)Information on item000-12.5-12.50000
Your bank's liquidity position000-25-12.50000
Influence of pressure from competitionCompetition from other banks000-12.50012.5-12.50
Competition from non-banks000000000
Competition from market financing000000000
Influence of perception of riskExpectations regarding general economic activity12.5252512.52512.5000
Industry or firm-specific outlook12.512.52512.512.50000
Risk on the collateral demanded000000000
Influence of the risk tolerance0012.512.50012.5250
Overall terms and conditions12.512.512.512.512.50025-12.5
Price terms and conditionsYour bank's margin on average loans (wider margin = tightened, narrower margin = eased)12.52512.512.512.5-12.5000
Your bank's margin on riskier loans12.5252512.512.50000
Other terms and conditionsNon-interest rate charges12.500000000
Size of the loan or credit line12.525012.50000-12.5
Collateral requirements0000250012.50
Loan covenants000012.512.512.50-12.5
Change in demandHide subtree Total evolution-12.50-12.5-12.5-12.502512.50
Total evolutionShort-term loans-12.50500-12.5-12.512.5-12.50
Long-term loans-12.50-12.5-25-25037.512.50
Influence of financing needsFixed investment-12.50-25-12.5-2502512.512.5
Inventories and working capital005025-12.50252512.5
Mergers/acquisitions and corporate restructuring-12.5-12.5-25012.50-12.5-12.50
Debt restructuring-12.512.537.512.512.512.5-12.5012.5
General level of interest rates00-12.5000000
Influence of the use of alternative financeInternal financing000000000
Loans from other banks00000000-12.5
Loans from non-banks-12.50-12.5000000
Issuance of debt securities000000000
Issuance of equity000000000
Data extracted on 29 Mar 2025 14:22 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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