Branch of industry
Institutional sectorCorporations (S.11+S.12)General government (S.13)Households (S.14)Non profit institutions serving households (S.15)Not allocated transactionsTotal economy (S.1)
TotalNPI's (corporations)Other corporationsTotalNPI'sOther
Production account (I)Hide subtree Resources737 737.133 863703 874.182 695.286 0425 164.848 230.6959 869.739 027.8920 841.9
ResourcesHide subtree Output (P.1)737 737.133 863703 874.182 695.286 0425 164.80911 639.139 027.8872 611.3
Output (P.1)Market output (P.11)724 942.333 660.5691 281.83 235.359 342.9529.90788 050.434 190.4753 860
Output for own final use (P.12)12 794.8202.512 592.33 340.226 699.121.9042 856224.442 631.6
Other non-market output (P.13)00076 119.704 613080 732.74 61376 119.7
Taxes less subsidies on products (D.21-D.31)00000048 230.648 230.6048 230.6
Hide subtree Uses737 737.133 863703 874.182 695.286 0425 164.848 230.6959 869.739 027.8920 841.9
UsesIntermediate consumption (P.2)470 121.315 712.9454 408.418 038.523 690.71 654.30513 504.817 367.2496 137.6
Hide subtree Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Information on item267 615.818 150.1249 465.764 656.762 351.33 510.548 230.6446 364.921 660.6424 704.3
Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Information on itemConsumption of fixed capital (P.51C)54 471.52 068.752 402.810 172.618 509.2273.7083 4272 342.481 084.6
Added value (net) / Net domestic product (B.1n)213 144.316 081.4197 062.954 484.143 842.13 236.848 230.6362 937.919 318.2343 619.7
Distribution and use of income accounts (II)Primary distribution of income accounts (II.1)Generation of income account (II.1.1)Hide subtree Resources267 615.818 150.1249 465.764 656.762 351.33 510.548 230.6446 364.921 660.6424 704.3
ResourcesAdded value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Information on item267 615.818 150.1249 465.764 656.762 351.33 510.548 230.6446 364.921 660.6424 704.3
Hide subtree Uses267 615.818 150.1249 465.764 656.762 351.33 510.548 230.6446 364.921 660.6424 704.3
UsesHide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)158 523.418 344.3140 179.155 217.62 320.53 217.60219 279.121 561.9197 717.2
Compensation of employees (D.1) Wages and salaries (D.11)120 886.914 345.3106 541.637 042.12 006.22 459.90162 395.116 805.2145 589.9
Employers' social contributions (D.12)37 636.43 99933 637.418 175.5314.3757.7056 883.94 756.752 127.2
Hide subtree Taxes on production and imports (D.2)5 554.8107.25 447.603 801.9139.452 35261 848.1246.661 601.5
Taxes on production and imports (D.2) Taxes on products (D.21)00000052 35252 352052 352
Other taxes on production (D.29)5 554.8107.25 447.603 801.9139.409 496.1246.69 249.5
Hide subtree Subsidies (D.3)-11 414.8-3 991.6-7 423.2-815-391.5-120.2-4 121.4-16 862.9-4 111.8-12 751.1
Subsidies (D.3) Subsidies on products (D.31)000000-4 121.4-4 121.40-4 121.4
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-11 414.8-3 991.6-7 423.2-815-391.5-120.20-12 741.5-4 111.8-8 629.7
Gross operating surplus (B.2g)114 952.43 690.3111 262.110 254.125 972.2273.70151 452.43 964147 488.4
Mixed income, gross (B.3g)000030 648.20030 648.2030 648.2
Allocation of primary income account (II.1.2)Hide subtree Resources185 409.23 968.3181 440.958 305.6311 579.6433.70555 728.14 402551 326.1
ResourcesHide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)0000226 162.800226 162.80226 162.8
Compensation of employees (D.1) Wages and salaries (D.11)0000168 326.900168 326.90168 326.9
Employees' social contributions (D.12)000057 835.80057 835.8057 835.8
Taxes on production and imports (D.2)00059 944.100059 944.1059 944.1
Subsidies (D.3)000-16 232.4000-16 232.40-16 232.4
Property income (D.4)70 456.827870 178.84 339.828 796.41600103 753438103 315
Hide subtree Uses185 409.23 968.3181 440.958 305.6311 579.6433.70555 728.14 402551 326.1
UsesProperty income (D.4)91 885.9329.891 556.110 635.42 009.117.30104 547.7347.1104 200.6
Balance of gross primary incomes / National income (B.5g)93 523.33 638.589 884.847 670.2309 570.5416.40451 180.44 054.9447 125.5
Secondary distribution of income account (II.2)Hide subtree Resources118 474.93 963.5114 511.4291 389.3402 365.65 884.90818 114.79 848.4808 266.3
ResourcesCurrent taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)00073 943.300073 943.3073 943.3
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)12 900.394.412 805.969 789.586 169.2590168 918153.4168 764.6
Social contributions and benefits (D.6)Social contributions (D.61)12 900.394.412 805.969 789.513.159082 761.9153.482 608.5
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)000086 156.10086 156.1086 156.1
Hide subtree Other current transfers received (D.7)12 051.3230.611 820.799 986.36 625.95 409.50124 0735 640.1118 432.9
Other current transfers received (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)7 422.407 422.400007 422.407 422.4
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)2 879.6252 854.6104.44 637.37.207 628.532.27 596.3
Current transfers within general government (D.73)00097 339.900097 339.9097 339.9
Current international cooperation (D.74)000460.3000460.30460.3
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)1 749.3205.61 543.72 081.71 988.65 402.3011 221.95 607.95 614
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) From the general government8.108.101 071.92 516.903 596.92 516.91 080
From the other sectors1 741.2205.61 535.62 081.7916.72 885.407 6253 0914 534
Hide subtree Uses118 474.93 963.5114 511.4291 389.3402 365.65 884.90818 114.79 848.4808 266.3
UsesCurrent taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)18 419.3291.718 127.64955 461.944.5073 974.7336.273 638.5
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)10 008.594.49 914.175 233.284 633.4590169 934.1153.4169 780.7
Social contributions and benefits (D.6)Social contributions (D.61)000084 620.30084 620.3084 620.3
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)10 008.594.49 914.175 233.213.159085 313.8153.485 160.4
Hide subtree Other current transfers paid (D.7)13 156.5141.113 015.4105 335.59 285.4768.10128 545.5909.2127 636.3
Other current transfers paid (D.7)Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)3 696.863.53 633.3115.14 672.47.808 492.171.38 420.8
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)7 469.807 469.800007 469.807 469.8
Current transfers within general government (D.73)00097 339.900097 339.9097 339.9
Current international cooperation (D.74)000960.2000960.20960.2
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)1 989.977.71 912.23 932.34 613760.3011 295.583810 457.5
Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75) To the general government709.40709.401 352.11.402 062.91.42 061.5
To the other sectors1 280.577.71 202.83 932.33 260.9758.909 232.6836.68 396
Disposable income, gross (B.6g)76 890.63 436.373 454.3110 771.6252 984.95 013.30445 660.48 449.6437 210.8
Redistribution of income in kind account (II.3)Hide subtree Resources76 890.63 436.373 454.3110 771.6324 849.45 013.30517 524.98 449.6509 075.3
ResourcesSocial transfers in kind (D.63)000071 864.50071 864.5071 864.5
Hide subtree Uses76 890.63 436.373 454.3110 771.6324 849.45 013.30517 524.98 449.6509 075.3
UsesSocial transfers in kind (D.63)00067 251.504 613071 864.54 61367 251.5
Adjusted disposable income, gross (B.7g)76 890.63 436.373 454.343 520.1324 849.4400.30445 660.43 836.6441 823.8
Use of income account (II.4)Use of disposable income account (II.4.1)Hide subtree Resources76 890.63 436.373 454.3110 771.6255 915.35 013.30448 590.88 449.6440 141.2
ResourcesAdjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)00002 930.4002 930.402 930.4
Hide subtree Uses76 890.63 436.373 454.3110 771.6255 915.35 013.30448 590.88 449.6440 141.2
UsesFinal consumption expenditure (P.3)000102 973.5224 922.14 6130332 508.64 613327 895.6
Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)2 974.402 974.40.80002 975.202 975.2
Saving, gross (B.8g)73 916.23 436.370 479.97 797.330 993.2400.30113 1071 494.2109 270.4
Accumulation accounts (III)Capital account (III.1)Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accounts (III.1.1)Hide subtree Changes in liabilities22 557.31 874.620 682.7-2 451.39 241.7284.1029 631.82 158.727 473.1
Changes in liabilitiesSaving (net) (B.8n)19 444.71 367.618 077.1-2 375.312 484126.6029 6801 494.228 185.8
Capital transfers, received (D.9r)2 915.95072 408.94 312.2440.7157.507 826.3664.57 161.8
Capital transfers, paid (D.9p)196.70196.7-4 388.2-3 68300-7 874.50-7 874.5
Hide subtree Changes in assets22 557.31 874.620 682.7-2 451.39 241.7284.1029 631.82 158.727 473.1
Changes in assetsChanges in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)22 557.31 874.620 682.7-2 451.39 241.7284.1029 631.82 158.727 473.1
Acquisitions of non-financial assets account (III.1.2)Changes in liabilities22 557.31 874.620 682.7-2 451.39 241.7284.1029 631.82 158.727 473.1
Hide subtree Changes in assets22 557.31 874.620 682.7-2 451.39 241.7284.1029 631.82 158.727 473.1
Changes in assetsGross fixed capital formation (P.51g)68 445.93 00865 437.910 71923 693314.40103 172.33 322.499 849.9
Consumption of fixed capital (P.51c)-54 471.5-2 068.7-52 402.8-10 172.6-18 509.2-273.70-83 427-2 342.4-81 084.6
Changes in inventories (P.52)4 493.804 493.8-11.5-28.4-10.104 443.8-10.14 453.9
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)3.903.987.30019.2019.2
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)-1110-111164.8-633.800-5800-580
Net lending / net borrowing (B.9)4 196.2935.33 260.9-3 1594 712.8253.506 003.51 188.84 814.7
Data extracted on 22 Dec 2024 01:23 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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