FlowGross value added
Institutional sectorCorporations (S.11+S.12)General government (S.13)Households (S.14)Non profit institutions serving households (S.15)Total economy (S.1)
TotalNPI's (corporations)Other corporationsTotalNPI'sOther
Branch of industry
Hide subtree Total267 615.818 150.1249 465.764 656.762 351.33 510.5398 134.321 660.6376 473.7
TotalAgriculture and industry (A-F)83 036.1241.682 794.57005 306.4089 042.5241.688 800.9
Hide subtree Services (G-N)154 833.92 098152 735.97 419.952 9300215 183.82 098213 085.8
Services (G-N) Wholesale and retail trade (G)44 377.931.644 346.302 537.9046 915.831.646 884.2
Accomodation and food service activities (I)6 008.7104.45 904.301 532.107 540.8104.47 436.4
Scientific research and development (M, 72)1 420.4224.11 196.303.701 424.1224.11 200
Employment activities (N, 78)7 433.5364.17 069.4013.107 446.6364.17 082.5
Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities (N, 79)48840.5447.5014.10502.140.5461.6
Office administrative, office support and other business support activities (N, 82)2 821.9758.72 063.20121.502 943.4758.72 184.7
Other service activities (H, J to N except 72, 78, 79 and 82)92 283.5574.591 7097 419.948 707.60148 411574.5147 836.5
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (O)00030 108.30030 108.3030 108.3
Education (P)593.2267326.226 428.575.9273.927 371.5540.926 830.6
Hide subtree Human health and social work activities (Q)24 579.614 068.710 510.901 835.91 793.828 209.315 862.512 346.8
Human health and social work activities (Q) Human health activities (Q, 86)16 490.88 165.88 32501 708.1018 198.98 165.810 033.1
Hide subtree  Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88)8 088.85 902.92 185.90127.81 793.810 010.47 696.72 313.7
Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88) Residential care activities (Q, 87)6 445.24 810.71 634.5012545.67 002.85 356.31 646.5
Social work activities without accomodation (Q, 88)1 643.61 092.1551.50115.81 248.23 007.62 340.3667.3
Hide subtree Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)2 215.3453.31 7620317.1285.12 817.5738.42 079.1
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R) Arts and cultural activities (R, 90 and 91)709.7279.9429.80211.6250.41 171.7530.3641.4
Sports activities, amusement and recreation activities (R, 92 and 93)1 505.6173.41 332.20105.534.71 645.8208.11 437.7
Hide subtree Other service activities (S-T)2 357.71 021.61 336.101 8861 157.75 401.42 179.33 222.1
Other service activities (S-T)Other service activities (S) Activities of membership organisations (S, 94)1 273.71 005268.7018.61 157.72 4502 162.7287.3
Services to individuals (S to T, 95 to 97)1 08416.71 067.30002 951.416.72 934.7
Data extracted on 21 Dec 2024 14:10 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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