Institutional sectorNPI's
FlowCompensation of employees (D.1)Number of employees (thousands of persons)Number of hours (thousands)
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Branch of industry
Hide subtree Total21 561.9497.4651 509.9
TotalAgriculture and industry (A-F)339.312.519 654.9
Hide subtree Services (G-N)2 519.462.794 659.7
Services (G-N) Wholesale and retail trade (G)35.711 448.2
Accomodation and food service activities (I)104.42.73 864.3
Scientific research and development (M, 72)311.446 653.6
Employment activities (N, 78)468.715.122 150.1
Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities (N, 79)40.411 513.8
Office administrative, office support and other business support activities (N, 82)916.626.239 797.1
Other service activities (H, J to N except 72, 78, 79 and 82)642.112.619 232.6
Education (P)55510.814 336.3
Hide subtree Human health and social work activities (Q)14 982.4350.6436 193.3
Human health and social work activities (Q) Human health activities (Q, 86)7 660.2156.8203 437.1
Hide subtree  Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88)7 322.2193.8232 756.2
Social work activities (Q, 87 and 88) Residential care activities (Q, 87)4 168.5101.6124 031
Social work activities without accomodation (Q, 88)3 153.792.2108 725.2
Hide subtree Arts, entertainment and recreation (R)752.31827 821.9
Arts, entertainment and recreation (R) Arts and cultural activities (R, 90 and 91)530.212.419 666.8
Sports activities, amusement and recreation activities (R, 92 and 93)222.15.58 155.2
Hide subtree Other service activities (S)2 413.542.758 843.8
Other service activities (S) Activities of membership organisations (S, 94)2 3924258 065
Services to individuals (S, 95 and 96)21.50.6778.8
Data extracted on 21 Dec 2024 14:28 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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