Branch of industry
Institutional sectorNPI's
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Hide subtree Production account (I)....
Hide subtree Resources29 046.130 533.1
Hide subtree Output (P.1)29 046.130 533.1
Market output (P.11)25 323.726 671
Output for own final use (P.12)167.6178
Other non-market output (P.13)3 554.83 684.2
Hide subtree Uses29 046.130 533.1
Intermediate consumption (P.2)12 586.213 285.9
Hide subtree Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Information on item16 459.917 247.2
Consumption of fixed capital (P.51C)2 039.92 133.4
Added value (net) / Net domestic product (B.1n)14 42015 113.8
Hide subtree Distribution and use of income accounts (II)....
Hide subtree Primary distribution of income accounts (II.1)....
Hide subtree Generation of income account (II.1.1)....
Hide subtree Resources16 459.917 247.2
Added value (gross) / Gross domestic product (B.1g)Information on item16 459.917 247.2
Hide subtree Uses16 459.917 247.2
Hide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)16 17316 941.3
Wages and salaries (D.11)12 18012 738.4
Employers' social contributions (D.12)3 993.14 202.9
Other taxes on production (D.29)228.5290.8
Other subsidies on production (D.39)-3 086.5-3 178.3
Gross operating surplus (B.2g)3 144.93 193.4
Hide subtree Allocation of primary income account (II.1.2)....
Hide subtree Resources3 716.83 775.3
Property income (D.4)571.9581.9
Hide subtree Uses3 716.83 775.3
Property income (D.4)444.5430.2
Balance of gross primary incomes / National income (B.5g)3 272.33 345.1
Hide subtree Secondary distribution of income account (II.2)....
Hide subtree Resources7 803.67 897.2
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)375.3351.7
Social contributions (D.61)375.3351.7
Hide subtree Other current transfers received (D.7)4 1564 200.4
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)34.138.6
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)4 121.84 161.8
From the general government2 168.32 380.5
Hide subtree  From the other sectors1 953.51 781.3
From private sector1 768.91 533.5
From the rest of the world184.6247.8
Hide subtree Uses7 803.67 897.2
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)202.3234.6
Hide subtree Social contributions and benefits (D.6)375.3351.7
Social contributions (D.61)00
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)375.3351.7
Hide subtree Other current transfers paid (D.7)623.2621.8
Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)69.567.6
Non-life insurance claims (D.72)00
Current transfers within general government (D.73)00
Current international cooperation (D.74)00
Hide subtree Miscellaneous current transfers (D.75)553.8554.2
To the general government00
Hide subtree  To the other sectors553.8554.2
To private sector428421.1
To rest of the world125.8133.1
Disposable income, gross (B.6g)6 602.86 689.1
Hide subtree Redistribution of income in kind account (II.3)....
Hide subtree Resources6 602.86 689.1
Social transfers in kind (D.63)00
Hide subtree Uses6 602.86 689.1
Social transfers in kind (D.63)3 554.83 684.2
Adjusted disposable income, gross (B.7g)3 0483 004.9
Hide subtree Use of income account (II.4)....
Hide subtree Use of disposable income account (II.4.1)....
Hide subtree Resources6 602.86 689.1
Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)00
Hide subtree Uses6 602.86 689.1
Final consumption expenditure (P.3)3 554.83 684.2
Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves (D.8)00
Hide subtree Accumulation accounts (III)....
Hide subtree Capital account (III.1)....
Hide subtree Change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers accounts (III.1.1)....
Hide subtree Changes in liabilities1 885.11 889.8
Saving (net) (B.8n)1 008.1871.5
Capital transfers, received (D.9r)8771 018.3
Capital transfers, paid (D.9p)00
Hide subtree Changes in assets1 885.11 889.8
Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers (B.10.1)1 885.11 889.8
Hide subtree Acquisitions of non-financial assets account (III.1.2)....
Changes in liabilities1 885.11 889.8
Hide subtree Changes in assets1 885.11 889.8
Gross fixed capital formation (P.51g)2 446.42 917.8
Consumption of fixed capital (P.51c)-2 039.9-2 133.4
Changes in inventories (P.52)03
Acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P.53)00
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets (NP)00
Net lending / net borrowing (B.9)1 478.51 102.4
Data extracted on 21 Dec 2024 14:02 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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