Data DomainDepository Corporations SurveyInformation on item
Reference Country or areaBelgium
Counterpart AreaNot applicable
Economic Indicator
Depository Corporations SurveyMonetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Broad Money Liabilities (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros674 000677 100676 600683 700689 600687 500687 800705 600705 300
(P707 900
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Domestic Claims, Claims on General Government (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros217 615216 322217 081217 819212 704214 059215 407213 592210 059
(P211 993
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Broad Money Liabilities, Securities other than Shares (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros181 609182 063182 396183 051176 239176 917178 466177 683174 501
(P177 058
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Domestic Claims, Claims on Other Sectors, Other Nonfinancial Corporations (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros664 496666 172668 251665 941667 426667 840667 495669 528669 763
(P672 120
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Broad Money Liabilities, Securities other than Shares, Other Nonfinancial Corporations (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros150 011150 104148 158146 016145 414145 104145 300152 790151 451150 680
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Net Foreign Assets, Claims on Non-residents (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros238 004244 966251 407244 629264 091252 865248 059262 860252 273
(P259 027
Monetary, Depository Corporations Survey, Net Foreign Assets, Liabilities to Non-residents (refers to the Depository Corporations), Euros285 257291 984302 197292 380303 020301 531290 736298 569299 131293 721
Data extracted on 15 Jan 2025 08:21 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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