Government type
Hide subtree Receipts170 637180 809.6191 647.2201 425.5208 174.8211 754.8213 792.9218 287.7228 517.2236 444.1238 945.3229 934.2251 273.2275 342.7293 175.3
ReceiptsHide subtree Fiscal and parafiscal receipts148 004156 357.5164 932.2173 163.9179 089.4182 238.1185 202.9187 625.3196 578.1203 557.5205 270.9197 319.2216 476.7236 647.7251 318.4
Fiscal and parafiscal receiptsHide subtree Direct taxes52 131.555 681.859 729.962 538.365 657.167 158.267 988.768 753.473 898.777 142.674 88272 178.179 448.691 278.795 700
Direct taxesHouseholds42 915.845 275.947 933.549 707.752 239.353 215.253 015.752 576.854 442.555 881.255 614.455 556.258 629.167 766.770 580.3
Corporations8 376.29 542.610 956.611 941.712 500.612 893.513 961.215 082.218 390.520 085.618 03315 298.519 467.522 158.423 765.5
Other sectors839.5863.3839.8888.9917.21 049.51 011.81 094.41 065.71 175.81 234.61 323.41 352
(P1 353.6
(P1 354.2
Indirect taxes44 105.647 505.449 421.852 159.353 05054 028.254 834.357 472.259 304.861 528.163 797.859 575.167 35969 964.874 456.4
Actual social contributions49 532.250 57453 008.855 148.356 409.357 153.558 741.158 053.259 758.161 114.863 20062 278.465 590.171 501.877 179.1
Taxes on capital2 234.72 596.32 771.73 3183 9733 898.23 638.83 346.53 616.53 7723 391.13 287.64 0793 902.43 982.9
Hide subtree Non-fiscal and non-parafiscal receipts22 63324 452.126 71528 261.629 085.429 516.728 59030 662.431 939.132 886.633 674.432 61534 796.538 69541 856.9
Non-fiscal and non-parafiscal receiptsImputed social contributions7 943.78 205.98 739.49 150.79 560.29 609.29 257.99 549.49 93510 186.410 387.910 725.610 999.5
(P11 997.8
(P12 947.2
Received interests1 555.41 3231 479.71 270.31 319.51 345.11 307.51 335.11 317.31 3191 234.31 231.61 312.2
(P1 518.1
(P3 040.8
Other property income1 704.32 475.13 187.83 236.83 5672 524.52 202.72 4182 673.52 787.62 663.61 881.52 257.4
(P2 512.1
(P2 452.8
Current transfers from other sectors and received subsidies2 832.13 378.33 614.14 047.63 713.73 755.23 5063 3543 482.63 742.44 149.54 106.24 274
(P4 645
(P4 791.3
Current sales of produced goods and services8 4108 857.89 420.210 022.710 399.212 027.612 10813 375.914 065.514 548.314 938.114 379.815 227.8
(P17 034.2
(P17 729.2
Capital transfers from other sectors187.5212273.8533.5525.8255.1207.9630465.2302.9301290.3725.6
Hide subtree Expenditure189 453.9195 653.6207 926.9218 102.1220 469.6224 069.4223 850.7228 451.2231 560.7240 446248 477.6271 252.9278 728.9295 124.6319 140.5
ExpenditureHide subtree Current expenditure excluding interest charges162 622.8168 681.1177 105184 792.5190 212.2194 502.9196 943.1202 586.7206 739.8214 920.1222 940.3245 389.6250 873.6266 396.6284 595.4
Current expenditure excluding interest chargesCompensation of employees43 976.945 298.247 168.749 150.250 694.252 173.652 330.353 619.455 31056 871.558 76860 570.162 811.868 106.373 645.1
Intermediate consumption and paid taxes14 88615 119.115 955.916 622.716 535.617 287.717 161.717 566.517 877.119 07919 678.219 887.621 325.723 800.224 840.4
Hide subtree Social benefits84 732.787 225.291 367.495 761.199 059100 877.9102 923106 101.9109 350.2113 006.1117 109.4128 394.6131 736.9140 187.6150 851.3
Social benefitsHealth care23 180.123 826.925 111.625 931.326 68027 385.227 965.828 63629 510.430 686.732 16931 72435 514.337 603.340 446.1
Sickness and disability benefits4 921.85 334.75 802.16 171.66 621.77 041.87 449.47 842.58 212.38 794.39 350.210 059.910 736.311 954.513 114.2
Unemployment6 902.96 817.46 6056 816.47 079.66 627.26 034.95 738.35 325.85 006.14 751.712 7749 055.25 491.55 152.5
Early retirement pensions and career termination2 251.42 374.22 451.62 458.22 443.72 378.92 327.82 221.92 064.11 898.41 630.11 435.21 195.31 138.21 136.8
Pensions33 127.434 30936 303.138 558.140 376.341 357.642 645.344 324.746 306.348 064.849 869.151 903.653 857.659 774.665 363
Family allowances5 4585 548.85 805.15 994.66 192.46 282.36 3096 373.36 497.96 612.86 887.57 079.77 304.97 7387 972.7
Other8 891.19 014.29 288.99 830.99 665.39 804.910 190.810 965.211 433.411 94312 451.813 418.214 073.316 487.517 666
Social benefits in cash58 197.259 718.262 196.565 447.568 256.569 257.270 745.472 87575 175.577 442.380 059.391 544.190 568.4
(P94 951.8
(P102 886.4
Social benefits in kind provided by market producers26 535.527 50729 170.930 313.630 802.531 620.732 177.633 226.934 174.735 563.837 050.136 850.541 168.5
(P45 235.8
(P47 964.9
Subsidies11 21513 222.114 487.914 887.415 363.115 766.715 982.316 005.216 254.616 90917 928.422 834.322 007.121 306.722 269.2
Current transfers to the rest of the world (ROW)4 3424 455.74 500.64 711.15 128.34 781.55 087.35 544.74 283.65 115.75 248.26 160.36 917.26 468.46 260
Hide subtree Other current transfers3 470.23 360.83 624.53 6603 4323 615.53 458.53 7493 664.33 938.84 208.17 542.76 074.96 527.46 729.4
Other current transfersCurrent transfers to households3 296.43 236.33 443.23 474.23 304.63 501.53 283.53 6143 541.13 816.74 069.75 727.24 970.9
(P6 198.2
(P6 589.3
Current transfers to companies173.8124.5181.3185.8127.4114175135123.2122.1138.41 815.51 104
Interest charges13 469.812 925.813 286.313 468.312 863.112 910.312 025.611 518.910 499.19 774.89 473.38 992.48 499.68 604.411 818.3
Hide subtree Capital expenditure13 361.314 046.717 535.619 841.317 394.316 656.214 88214 345.614 321.815 751.116 06416 870.919 355.720 123.622 726.8
Capital expenditureGross fixed capital formation7 899.58 1488 994.79 592.99 136.110 328.310 387.510 36610 730.512 084.612 490.312 755.113 97415 136.216 673.4
Hide subtree Other capital expenditure5 461.85 898.78 540.910 248.48 258.26 327.94 494.53 979.63 591.33 666.53 573.74 115.85 381.74 987.46 053.4
Other capital expenditureOther net acquisitions of non-financial assets497.1331.8649.5753.1543.660.812185.6159.4225.5126.1183.3190.6
Capital transfers to other sectors4 964.75 566.97 891.49 495.37 714.66 267.14 373.53 8943 431.93 4413 447.63 932.55 191.1
(P4 373.3
(P5 613.6
Gross saving-6 884.4-3 009.1-1 034.4144.11 330.7671.31 524.5824.27 8408 288.33 451-27 408.7-12 357.7
(P-4 008.8
(P-7 569.5
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-)-18 817-14 844-16 280-16 677-12 295-12 315-10 058-10 164-3 044-4 002-9 532-41 319-27 456-19 782-25 965
Primary balance-5 347.1-1 918.2-2 993.4-3 208.3568.3595.71 967.81 355.47 455.65 772.9-59-32 326.3-18 956.1-11 177.5-14 147.1
Data extracted on 16 Sep 2024 01:57 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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