AccountFinancial account
Government sectorInformation on item
BalanceFinancial instrument
Net acquisition of financial assetsHide subtree Total-1 61010 493-7 2227 782-1 9542 80611 208-5 090510
 Currency and deposits (F.2)-1 6127 369-5 081-2 0043 316-2 11414 812-12 8974 185
Hide subtree Debt securities (F.3)7611285138106-143-1131 26920
 Short-term debt securities (F.31)4424562128-138-671 30911
 Long-term debt securities (F.32)328829136-22-6-46-419
Hide subtree Loans (F.4)8911665781 1224799188181 156432
 Short-term loans (F.41)571-440575430-7121659
 Long-term loans (F.42)3196065211 0684499258061 140374
 Equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5)7271 020148137-1 7612223438273
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes (F.6)000000000
 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7)-12-99-93-26-90-62-78-17-6
 Other accounts receivable/payable (F.8)-1 6801 924-2 8598 415-4 0043 984-4 2645 360-4 394
Net increase in financial liabilitiesHide subtree Total8 8318 3543 0097 43015 3011 97421 799-4 81418 680
 Currency and deposits (F.2)617121-51093-1
Hide subtree Debt securities (F.3)6 6378 3461956 98316 1783 62121 654-7 35421 440
 Short-term debt securities (F.31)9 396-5 0372 654-260-7272 6639 301-5 509-109
 Long-term debt securities (F.32)-2 75813 383-2 4587 24316 90595812 353-1 84521 549
Hide subtree Loans (F.4)4 044-2901 198-2 6693 199-1 983-1 9481 255-224
 Short-term loans (F.41)3 267-5891 429-3 5032 733-1 519-1 934226-434
 Long-term loans (F.42)777299-231834466-464-141 028210
 Equity and investment fund shares or units (F.5)000000000
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes (F.6)222211110
 Financial derivatives and employee stock options (F.7)-37-132-29-18-23-61-417-9
 Other accounts receivable/payable (F.8)-1 8214111 6313 131-4 0493862 0871 265-2 526
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) (B.9F)Information on itemTotal-10 4422 139-10 231352-17 254832-10 591-277-18 170
Data extracted on 08 Oct 2024 13:32 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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