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Hide subtree Assets6 536 8176 522 0036 497 6996 494 4636 478 323
Gold and gold receivables711 124757 478757 478757 480757 483
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency506 142510 227510 177509 961508 631
Receivables from the IMF232 356232 382232 350232 445232 465
Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets273 787277 845277 827277 516276 167
Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency15 53214 13015 00715 53816 299
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro17 07317 02916 89316 72617 107
Balances with banks, security investments and loans17 07317 02916 89316 72617 107
Claims arising from the credit facility under the ERM-II00000
Hide subtree Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro151 39094 98890 60089 18188 532
Main refinancing operations4 25811 0786 7045 3344 687
Longer-term refinancing operations147 13283 84583 84583 84583 845
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Structural reverse operations00000
Marginal lending facility0655120
Credits related to margin calls00000
Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro33 85632 51428 37822 32420 146
Hide subtree Securities of euro area residents denominated in euroInformation on item4 729 6194 714 7344 707 1324 707 2824 691 841
Securities held for monetary policy purposes4 510 5184 496 0264 489 0364 488 7044 472 526
Other securities219 100218 708218 096218 578219 315
General government debt denominated in euro20 84020 83220 83220 83220 832
Other assets351 240360 071351 201355 137357 451
Hide subtree Liabilities6 536 8176 522 0036 497 6996 494 4636 478 323
Banknotes in circulation1 555 6711 559 9141 562 1701 563 0231 563 399
Hide subtree Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro3 345 0453 237 4863 255 1613 260 4013 223 431
Current accounts152 276170 172160 841153 988192 274
Deposit facility3 192 7683 067 3143 094 3203 106 4133 031 156
Fixed term deposits00000
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Deposits related to margin calls00000
Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euroInformation on item33 32936 13433 69732 81432 140
Debt certificates issued00000
Hide subtree Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro188 575205 137193 319195 335202 815
General government111 795125 739115 894117 681125 039
Other liabilitiesInformation on item76 78079 39877 42677 65477 775
Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro206 003221 837200 843191 207202 583
Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency15 29615 01815 82116 18316 446
Hide subtree Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency5 0375 3435 7095 1544 579
Deposits, balances and other liabilities5 0375 3435 7095 1544 579
Liabilities arising from the credit facility under the ERM II00000
Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF178 544178 966178 966178 966179 020
Other liabilities206 681212 075201 922201 286203 819
Revaluation accounts702 941750 441750 441750 442750 442
Capital and reserves99 69699 65199 65099 65099 650
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 03:51 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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