Size of enterprise
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Branch of activityIndicator
Hide subtree TotalInformation on itemGeneral conditions at the moment of the surveyInformation on item-13-27-26-33-32-37-20-19
Hide subtree Movements during the quarter preceding the surveyInformation on item................
Interest rates-62-69-67-66-64-63-21-21
Volume of credit-15-23-22-20-18-23-14-14
Guarantees required-24-28-26-24-23-25-19-17
Manufacturing industryGeneral conditions at the moment of the surveyInformation on item-6-23-24-34-32-36-19-19
Hide subtree Movements during the quarter preceding the surveyInformation on item................
Interest rates-61-67-69-68-65-64-20-21
Volume of credit-13-20-20-17-18-20-12-12
Guarantees required-20-26-24-21-21-22-16-15
Business-related servicesGeneral conditions at the moment of the surveyInformation on item-26-41-37-36-32-39-24-19
Hide subtree Movements during the quarter preceding the surveyInformation on item................
Interest rates-69-77-69-66-68-64-21-17
Volume of credit-21-30-24-27-19-28-18-12
Guarantees required-37-35-31-33-27-33-24-17
Building industryGeneral conditions at the moment of the surveyInformation on item-20-22-21-25-31-37-20-18
Hide subtree Movements during the quarter preceding the surveyInformation on item................
Interest rates-55-62-57-60-58-57-24-28
Volume of credit-14-25-25-24-18-24-20-22
Guarantees required-21-27-25-27-24-25-26-24
Data extracted on 27 Jul 2024 03:57 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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