Territorial unit (Region/Province/District)
UnitCurrent prices in millions of euro
Allocation of primary income accountHide subtree Resources
(P311 015.3
305 612.6327 212.3366 859.9
(P404 539.4
ResourcesOperating surplus (B.2n)
(P9 845.7
12 453.512 471.215 234.3
(P17 852.7
Mixed income (B.3n)
(P29 935.5
28 466.531 391.334 052.8
(P34 979.6
Hide subtree Compensation of employees (D.1)
(P242 126.4
238 776.9253 643.3277 368.8
(P301 117.9
Compensation of employees (D.1)Wages and salaries (D.11)
(P181 429.4
178 419190 665.7208 976.7
(P227 282.8
Hide subtree Employers' social contributions (D.12)
(P60 697
60 357.962 977.568 392.1
(P73 835.1
Employers' social contributions (D.12)Employers' actual social contributions (D.121)
(P47 036
46 206.348 53153 019.9
(P56 769.5
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.122)
(P13 661
14 151.614 446.515 372.2
(P17 065.6
Property income (D.4)
(P29 107.7
25 915.729 706.540 204
(P50 589.2
Hide subtree Uses
(P311 015.3
305 612.6327 212.3366 859.9
(P404 539.4
UsesProperty income (D.4)
(P1 816.9
999810.15 069
(P11 982.1
Balance of primary incomes (B.5n)
(P309 198.4
304 613.6326 402.2361 790.9
(P392 557.3
Secondary distribution of income accountHide subtree Resources
(P407 910.3
415 992.8437 457.2481 029.3
(P520 590.9
ResourcesBalance of primary incomes (B.5n)
(P309 198.4
304 613.6326 402.2361 790.9
(P392 557.3
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)
Hide subtree Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)
(P91 295.4
103 150.4103 014.6108 609.6
(P116 979.1
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62)Social security benefits in cash (D.621)
(P56 046.9
58 679.460 615.566 437.8
(P72 199
Other social insurance benefits (D.622)
(P21 807.2
22 393.823 617.625 617.3
(P27 637.5
Social assistance benefits in cash (D.623)
(P13 441.3
22 077.218 781.516 554.5
(P17 142.6
Other current transfers (D.7)
(P7 405
8 218.18 029.410 617.2
(P11 042.5
Hide subtree Uses
(P407 910.3
415 992.8437 457.2481 029.3
(P520 590.9
UsesCurrent taxes on income, wealth, etc. (D.5)
(P56 738.9
56 732.759 859.368 999.8
(P72 647.9
Hide subtree Social contributions (D.61)
(P89 081.6
88 419.592 154.3100 352.3
(P108 392.8
Social contributions (D.61)Employers' actual social contributions (D.611)
(P47 036
46 206.348 530.853 019.7
(P56 769.5
Employers' imputed social contributions (D.612)
(P13 661
14 151.614 446.715 372.4
(P17 065.6
Households' actual social contributions (D.613)
(P27 691.8
27 366.128 574.330 885.9
(P33 662.7
Households' social contributions supplements (D.614)
(P2 357.3
2 262.82 222.52 776.6
(P2 651.5
Social insurance scheme service charge (D61SC)
(P-1 664.5
-1 567.3-1 620-1 702.3
(P-1 756.5
Other social insurance benefits (D.622)
Other current transfers (D.7)
(P10 410.2
10 933.311 980.413 530
(P15 876.5
Disposable income (B.6n)
(P251 668.1
259 896.6273 452.2298 135.6
(P323 661.7
Disposable income per resident (in euros)
(P21 956.7
22 586.123 670.125 611.3
(P27 591.2
Data extracted on 11 Mar 2025 11:18 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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