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Hide subtree Assets6 385 0766 372 7606 351 9876 353 2016 344 802
Gold and gold receivables819 979819 981819 779819 556819 552
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency500 783500 301501 165501 140502 545
Receivables from the IMF229 289229 412229 412229 286229 395
Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets271 494270 888271 753271 855273 150
Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency15 24415 89915 13515 45215 798
Hide subtree Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro20 13120 49820 27620 23920 737
Balances with banks, security investments and loans20 13120 49820 27620 23920 737
Claims arising from the credit facility under the ERM-II00000
Hide subtree Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro50 27752 59448 81347 02225 245
Main refinancing operations10 38310 4446 6634 8727 952
Longer-term refinancing operations39 87542 15042 15042 15017 194
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Structural reverse operations00000
Marginal lending facility19000100
Credits related to margin calls00000
Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro25 16226 10927 89327 68737 269
Hide subtree Securities of euro area residents denominated in euroInformation on item4 580 4344 559 9344 546 2464 546 1254 539 738
Securities held for monetary policy purposes4 340 7244 318 9394 304 6374 298 7314 290 627
Other securities239 711240 995241 608247 394249 112
General government debt denominated in euro20 78020 78020 78020 77820 778
Other assets352 285356 664351 899355 201363 139
Hide subtree Liabilities6 385 0766 372 7606 351 9876 353 2016 344 802
Banknotes in circulation1 559 6911 563 8301 568 2911 571 3561 581 725
Hide subtree Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro3 116 9103 057 6583 066 1513 070 0623 042 227
Current accounts151 487156 875166 177203 355197 748
Deposit facility2 965 4222 900 7832 899 9742 866 7072 844 479
Fixed term deposits00000
Fine-tuning reverse operations00000
Deposits related to margin calls00000
Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euroInformation on item34 60732 55531 02830 60927 810
Debt certificates issued00000
Hide subtree Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro195 821217 993200 561190 604182 336
General government110 177128 039115 539109 043100 514
Other liabilitiesInformation on item85 64489 95485 02181 56181 822
Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro182 940203 241189 852194 219208 893
Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency12 61011 50611 86611 38211 191
Hide subtree Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency7741 231511532570
Deposits, balances and other liabilities7741 231511532570
Liabilities arising from the credit facility under the ERM II00000
Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF176 557176 557176 557176 557176 557
Other liabilities199 052202 074201 054201 766207 377
Revaluation accounts806 599806 599806 599806 599806 599
Capital and reserves99 51699 51699 51799 51799 517
Data extracted on 30 Dec 2024 16:30 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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