Assets | | 1 382 472.590 | 1 397 180.563 | 1 370 140.672 | 1 390 130.177 | 1 403 346.162 |
Liquid ressources and interbank claims | | 486 477.000 | 504 004.000 | 480 007.000 | 496 133.000 | 506 767.000 |
Cash, balances with central banks and postal cheque offices | | 89 793.376 | 85 518.726 | 77 079.163 | 66 539.291 | 96 697.777 |
Claims on credit institutions | | 396 683.750 | 418 485.348 | 402 927.820 | 429 593.328 | 410 068.819 |
At sight | | 199 801.334 | 220 776.485 | 194 556.397 | 219 571.635 | 209 254.694 |
Other claims | | 196 882.415 | 197 708.862 | 208 371.426 | 210 021.694 | 200 814.127 |
Claims on clients | | 624 686.537 | 623 920.048 | 620 170.164 | 616 584.216 | 616 268.223 |
Claims initially granted by the institution | | 615 415.496 | 616 665.562 | 613 096.551 | 609 238.835 | 609 126.777 |
Trade bills | | 439.733 | 364.643 | 390.606 | 387.058 | 380.967 |
Own acceptances | | 852.182 | 897.111 | 809.899 | 1 040.737 | 916.435 |
Leasing claims and similar claims | | 3 777.854 | 3 795.011 | 3 805.244 | 3 828.572 | 3 850.531 |
Non mortgage loans with a flat charging rate | | 17 229.596 | 17 297.953 | 17 058.787 | 16 901.874 | 16 965.976 |
Mortgage loans | | 255 852.161 | 256 709.085 | 257 351.548 | 257 958.153 | 258 913.127 |
Fixed-term loans | | 312 812.400 | 314 512.536 | 310 904.154 | 305 283.970 | 305 473.830 |
Current account advances | | 16 925.740 | 16 866.601 | 16 471.220 | 16 100.007 | 15 396.491 |
Other credits | | 7 525.826 | 6 222.618 | 6 305.097 | 7 738.462 | 7 229.424 |
Other debtors | | 9 271.040 | 7 254.485 | 7 073.612 | 7 345.380 | 7 141.446 |
Transferable securities and other negotiable instruments | | 187 706.911 | 188 032.651 | 188 414.279 | 196 012.807 | 198 992.646 |
Government short term securities | | 16 756.322 | 15 250.644 | 15 176.219 | 15 451.461 | 15 226.105 |
Eligible for refinancing at central banks | | 16 454.273 | 14 940.942 | 14 913.430 | 15 178.848 | 14 839.146 |
Other | | 302.049 | 309.702 | 262.789 | 272.613 | 386.959 |
Other short-term negotiable instruments | | 5 032.001 | 6 148.119 | 6 204.590 | 5 987.656 | 6 147.747 |
Public long-term securities | | 66 825.252 | 67 065.276 | 67 520.696 | 66 948.368 | 68 803.467 |
Other long-term loans represented by securities | | 96 264.970 | 96 702.013 | 96 643.264 | 104 641.909 | 105 857.252 |
Corporate shares and other equity | | 1 285.092 | 1 324.029 | 1 341.366 | 1 453.998 | 1 441.723 |
Other transferable securities | | 1 543.270 | 1 542.570 | 1 528.145 | 1 529.415 | 1 516.349 |
Fixed assets | | 32 413.242 | 32 333.197 | 32 433.104 | 32 403.756 | 32 452.210 |
Financial fixed assets | | 26 176.303 | 26 043.898 | 26 137.034 | 26 089.191 | 26 095.190 |
Participations in affiliated enterprises | | 19 699.005 | 19 684.740 | 19 684.469 | 19 690.166 | 19 690.625 |
Participations in other enterprises linked by a participating interest | | 2 888.424 | 2 890.695 | 2 885.818 | 2 885.262 | 2 885.284 |
Other financial fixed assets | | 3 503.697 | 3 383.305 | 3 482.667 | 3 474.781 | 3 480.299 |
Shares | | 437.310 | 436.651 | 547.976 | 548.340 | 571.491 |
Subordonated claims on affiliated enterprises and enterprises linked by a participating interest | | 2 945.774 | 2 825.864 | 2 814.021 | 2 805.605 | 2 787.766 |
Other | | 120.614 | 120.790 | 120.670 | 120.836 | 121.043 |
Tangible fixed assets | | 5 171.682 | 5 210.386 | 5 219.794 | 5 236.163 | 5 265.701 |
Formation costs and intangible fixed assets | | 1 065.261 | 1 078.915 | 1 076.275 | 1 078.404 | 1 091.321 |
Own shares | | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Unrecoverable and doubtful claims | | 3 375.529 | 3 344.022 | 3 340.144 | 3 390.129 | 3 357.885 |
Other assets | | 47 813.245 | 45 546.572 | 45 776.000 | 45 606.654 | 45 508.594 |
Liabilities | | 1 382 472.590 | 1 397 180.563 | 1 370 140.672 | 1 390 130.177 | 1 403 346.162 |
Interbank debts | | 346 492.104 | 370 423.491 | 348 636.898 | 352 514.242 | 354 000.041 |
At sight | | 213 834.569 | 211 348.442 | 201 745.992 | 211 535.414 | 207 957.950 |
Debts resulting from mobilizations | | 42 399.024 | 61 258.869 | 46 736.867 | 43 602.562 | 57 003.403 |
Other debts at fixed term or at notice | | 90 258.510 | 97 816.178 | 100 154.039 | 97 376.266 | 89 038.687 |
Debts to clients | | 737 278.560 | 730 330.299 | 728 732.564 | 739 910.560 | 748 306.301 |
Deposits | | 726 622.557 | 723 007.070 | 720 616.619 | 731 012.090 | 740 195.550 |
Sight deposits | | 301 346.435 | 293 489.899 | 297 431.541 | 294 102.116 | 297 418.303 |
At fixed term or at notice < 1 month | | 18 762.537 | 19 254.198 | 19 265.637 | 20 771.821 | 23 502.317 |
At fixed term or at notice >= 1 month and <= 1 year | | 101 093.692 | 105 681.958 | 96 150.040 | 104 150.727 | 107 477.999 |
At fixed term or at notice > 1 year | | 15 115.256 | 14 947.401 | 15 701.198 | 24 466.810 | 24 427.925 |
Special deposits | | 16 189.912 | 15 580.207 | 15 818.001 | 15 961.676 | 15 667.589 |
Regulated savings deposits | | 273 447.735 | 273 382.461 | 275 561.589 | 270 866.599 | 271 004.232 |
Linked with mortgage loans | | 666.987 | 670.943 | 688.617 | 692.342 | 697.187 |
Deposit guarantee scheme | | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Other creditors | | 10 656.003 | 7 323.230 | 8 115.946 | 8 898.469 | 8 110.748 |
Debts represented by a security | | 124 200.693 | 124 833.259 | 119 761.845 | 123 505.787 | 125 677.734 |
Certificates of deposit and similar debts | | 60 656.822 | 61 046.250 | 55 838.528 | 51 889.174 | 51 924.615 |
Notes | | 2 099.731 | 2 298.291 | 2 536.733 | 7 621.416 | 8 050.910 |
Bonds | | 61 444.142 | 61 488.718 | 61 386.583 | 63 995.197 | 65 702.209 |
Write-downs,provisions,provident funds and defferred taxes | | 5 821.053 | 5 754.391 | 5 719.274 | 5 804.876 | 5 811.592 |
Other liabilities | | 52 578.058 | 49 575.009 | 50 356.796 | 49 711.581 | 48 986.787 |
Subordinated debts | | 34 541.452 | 34 095.251 | 34 031.919 | 35 429.115 | 36 727.692 |
Own ressources | | 81 560.667 | 82 168.868 | 82 901.377 | 83 254.014 | 83 836.017 |
Capital | | 35 657.253 | 35 673.386 | 35 700.679 | 35 544.037 | 35 628.544 |
Subscribed capital | | 35 657.253 | 35 673.386 | 35 700.679 | 35 544.037 | 35 628.544 |
Uncalled capital | | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Issue premiums | | 4 756.905 | 4 756.904 | 4 756.905 | 4 756.904 | 4 756.905 |
Revaluation surpluses | | 42.444 | 41.700 | 41.964 | 42.231 | 44.958 |
Reserves | | 16 657.608 | 16 656.318 | 16 655.618 | 16 655.324 | 16 554.063 |
Statutory reserve | | 2 995.885 | 2 995.885 | 2 995.884 | 2 995.885 | 2 995.885 |
Unavailable reserves | | 72.194 | 72.194 | 72.194 | 72.194 | 72.194 |
Tax-exempt reserves | | 298.752 | 298.749 | 297.904 | 297.901 | 297.466 |
Available reserves | | 13 290.777 | 13 289.490 | 13 289.636 | 13 289.344 | 13 188.518 |
Profit brought forward (+) or loss brought forward (-) | | 18 267.002 | 18 263.914 | 18 265.452 | 18 254.818 | 18 255.757 |
Profit on the year (+) or loss on the year (-) | | 6 179.452 | 6 776.644 | 7 480.761 | 8 000.699 | 8 595.792 |