Branches of activityA - Agriculture, forestry and fishingB - Mining and quarryingC - ManufacturingD - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplyE - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activitiesF - ConstructionG - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesH - Transportation and storageI - Accommodation and food service activitiesJ - Information and communicationK - Financial and insurance activitiesL - Real estate activitiesM - Professional, scientific and technical activitiesN - Administrative and support service activitiesO - Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityP - EducationQ - Human health and social work activitiesR - Arts, entertainment and recreationS - Other service activitiesT - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods -and services-producing activities of households for own useThe aggregate of output at basic pricesImports of goods and servicesTotal supply at basic pricesTrade and transport marginsTaxes on productsSubsidies on productsTotal supply at purchasers' prices
A - Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing12 320.10102000004.300073.4058.40000012 558.29 809.222 367.45 481474.2-70.528 252.1
B - Mining and quarrying0.9701553.707.2023.800000000000001 286.623 765.925 052.5928.314.6025 995.4
C - Manufactured products11373.6233 068066.51 589.729 943.634041.9241.5015.8262.568600005.90266 448286 022.2552 470.281 295.925 6620659 428.1
D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning93.20393.717 698.584.7032.61.400007.7000000018 311.86 994.925 306.705 132.5-2 740.427 698.8
E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation services00481.31312 650.200.80000046.10676.400098.7013 966.59 910.223 876.7594.4313.8-136.224 648.7
F - Constructions and construction works00310.9081.291 388.518.852.8000014.6351.200001.6092 219.62 424.994 644.503 916.6098 561.1
G - Wholesale and retail trade services; repair services of motor vehicles and motorcycles00716.90008 663.7309.500003.47.10000009 700.61 656.811 357.40970.1012 327.5
H - Transportation and storage services1.5051218.714.320.694868 184.60560013.9790000.337069 903.920 289.290 193.10520.6-1 433.189 280.6
I - Accommodation and food services00000018.95.316 93300012.900194.815.2201113.1017 494.2847.818 34201 672.3020 014.3
J - Information and communication services18.12.6962.4126.852.1281.41 025.4240.18.643 479863.924.81 009.9425.6485.4207.3262.359.5149.6049 684.818 564.668 249.41 025.43 104.2072 379
K - Financial and insurance services00000012.100061 362.3077.8000000061 452.28 730.770 182.903 517.7073 700.6
L - Real estate services0077004.60237.346.67.11 317.958 743.913.80844.41.710.12.890.6061 397.859.261 4570144.6061 601.6
M - Professional, scientific and technical services28.686.313 741.863.9210.5903.23 952.152.22.12 095.2971.21.898 705.1901.71 508.34 714.6153.32221.80128 135.736 453.3164 58909 461.60174 050.6
N - Administrative and support services001 5210.110.5878.4907.2871.156364.9338.401 380.742 547.80035.2281.1113.7049 306.15 962.455 268.501 960.8057 229.3
O - Public administration and defence services; compulsory social security services0000000000000040 485.40000040 485.414.140 499.500040 499.5
P - Education services0000001.6003.10066.30031 768.60.1066.8031 906.5100.132 006.60269.7032 276.3
Q - Human health and social work services0000000000000102125059 841.500060 068.516.560 08500-110.359 974.7
R - Arts, entertainment and recreation services000058.90000.1000002 004006 648.46.808 718.2434.99 153.1137.5455.109 745.7
S - Other services0069.200046.304.6770000001.71.110 226.5010 426.4709.411 135.80540.4011 676.2
T - Services of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services produced by households for own use0000000000000000000255.8255.80255.8000255.8
Trade margins09.49 952.9059.881075 505.885.618.71 140.9092.71 263.7452.709046.414.9089 462.5089 462.5-89 462.5000
Transport margins000000000000000000000000000
Total (domestic concept)12 575.4872.9262 462.817 92113 295.995 876.4121 100.770 379.917 115.947 464.764 853.758 879102 951.845 481.146 277.336 89660 319.47 262.610 947255.81 093 189.3432 766.31 525 955.6058 130.8-4 490.51 579 595.9
CIF/FOB-correction000000000000000000000-1 742.9-1 742.9000-1 742.9
Final consumption expenditure of resident households abroad00000000000000000000013 066.113 066.100013 066.1
Final consumption expenditure of non resident households in Belgium000000000000000000000000000
Total (national concept)12 575.4872.9262 462.817 92113 295.995 876.4121 100.770 379.917 115.947 464.764 853.758 879102 951.845 481.146 277.336 89660 319.47 262.610 947255.81 093 189.3444 089.51 537 278.8058 130.8-4 490.51 590 919.1
Data extracted on 30 Dec 2024 17:39 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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