Creditor sectorInformation on item
Borrowing sectorInstrument
TotalHide subtree Total11 5922 6536 1304 42910 6354 9993 2234 8909 109
 Currency and deposits8 209-1 1521 870-2 4216 084-25 4474 5762 13410 275
Hide subtree Debt securities-7933332 4663 9592 16524 0073 5002 5161 666
 Short-term debt securities-164-173225185-17821 522292124931
 Long-term debt securities-6295072 2413 7742 3432 4853 2082 392735
 Listed shares1 190-30488341692329159-784-1 090
 Unlisted shares and other equity285148165356173160401 07196
 Investment fund shares or units5 512419-1674 4665521 071-2 4562 279-2 958
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes-3 023-2 833222-1 471-735-1 571761249-1 719
 Other assets/liabilities1155 6821 067-7551 4876 422-3 302-2 4452 752
IndividualsInformation on itemHide subtree Total1551554330-641-167371 30852
 Unlisted shares and other equity000000000
 Other assets/liabilities9999-1429-860-213821 469-57
Non-financial corporationsHide subtree Total1 6714 418-9961 7262 9234 946-3 189-2 0183 552
Hide subtree Debt securities-140-55-13121047-2110658-132
 Short-term debt securities-103-181745-5663524-53
 Long-term debt securities-38-36-148165103-277233-79
 Listed shares2677722-9102-1316178-460
 Unlisted shares and other equity21111591611401401 1147870
 Other assets/liabilities1 3404 287-8901 3642 6344 840-4 570-2 2314 075
General governmentHide subtree Total-3591 1752 016-1 827-44223 624733-1 375-884
Hide subtree Debt securities98-1917734415621 652107111149
 Short-term debt securities53-151150-521 553124063
 Long-term debt securities45-406234316199957185
 Listed shares000000000
 Other assets/liabilities-4561 3661 939-2 171-5971 972627-1 486-1 032
Financial corporationsHide subtree Total10 058-2 9692 4702247 226-25 6873 2824 0749 885
 Currency and deposits8 554-1 3242 219-2 7976 173-25 2574 4842 20311 129
Hide subtree Debt securities-303-99270557387-3022144730
 Short-term debt securities-109379795-73-49-1670592
 Long-term debt securities-194-136173462460193874138
 Listed shares23819401130211259-166-326-154
 Unlisted shares and other equity74321561953320-1 07499327
 Investment fund shares or units4 760687-1 2453 476302537-1 6181 383-389
 Insurance, pension and standardised guaranteed schemes-2 446-2 249667-1 313-189-1 0221 083-158-1 202
 Other assets/liabilities-866-693425313-174562-197-234
Rest of the worldHide subtree Total67-1262 5984 2771 5682 2822 3602 902-3 497
Hide subtree Debt securities-4476792 2502 8491 5752 4053 2642 203919
 Short-term debt securities-5-419645-4412261-11329
 Long-term debt securities-4427202 1542 8041 6192 3933 0042 214590
 Listed shares685-1266522137882164-535-476
 Investment fund shares or units752-2671 078990250534-839896-2 568
 Other assets/liabilities-923-412-795217-635-739-230338-1 371
Data extracted on 21 Dec 2024 17:26 UTC (GMT) from NBB.Stat


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